unit 2 sporting events 后半部分语言点(译林牛津版高一英语必修四教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-4-21 编辑:互联网 手机版

1. host v. (1) 支持,主办 host the Olympic Games

(2)招待客人 The group was hosted by the manager.

host n. 主人,东道主

China is the host country of the 2008 Olympic Games.


2. sports facilities.

facilities (facility “设备,设施”,可数名词,多作复数。 )

We’ll provide him with every facility.

One of the facilities our students have is a large library.

transport facilities 交通设施。

3.If a city ……, this could help its bid to be an Olympic city.

bid n .(1). “争取,申请”或“努力,企图”;(2) 出价,投标

a bid for sth; a bid to do sth.

Tonight the Ethiopian athlete will make a bid to break the world record.

vt & vi.bid (bid , bid, bidding )(拍卖时)喊(价);投标

Several companies are bidding for the contract to build the bridge.

4 plenty of 许多,大量(后接可数名词与不可数名词)

归纳 (1)a great/ good many; a number of; quite a few ; many 后接可数名词复数。

(1) much; a good/great deal of; a large amount of ; quite a little 后接不可数名词

(2) a lot of ; lots of; plenty of; a great quantity of 后接可数名词或不可数名词。

5. I’m pretty sure you can swim very well.

pretty vi.(表示程度) “相当”,“非常”

Her sister is still pretty sick. 他的妹妹仍然病得厉害。

The wind blew pretty hard 风吹得相当厉害。

This work of yours is a pretty poor effort. You’d better do it again.

6. otherwise adv. 在句中表示“否则”

Do it now. Otherwise , it will be too late.

You mustn’t tell this to my father, Otherwise ,he would kill me

otherwise 还可以作conj.

7.It is played on a table that is 2.74 metres by 1.525 metres and stands 76 centimetres from the ground ( page 34)


The y entered a hall which measures 23 metres by 15 metres.

8.stretch vt 铺开,舒展;拉长

Vi 延伸,舒展肢体

He stretched his arm up as far as he could。他把手臂尽量往上举。

Mother stretched the sheet out to dry. 妈妈把被单铺开凉干。

Canada stretches form the Atlantic to the Pacific.

9.play leading roles

play the role/ part of 扮演.....角色

play a role/ part in 在......中发挥作用/扮演角色

10.meet sb’s requirements

meet 满足(需要);符合(要求)

Tom’s poor salary was not able to meet his girlfriend’s various desires.

In order to meet his expenses, he had to do extra work at night.

11.practise vt. practice n. practical adj.

You must practise speaking English more.

It seems all right--- you'd better put it into practice.(付诸实施)

He is a practical man.他是个现实的人。

12.In order for a new sport to be added, a current sport must be dropped.

(1)to be added 的逻辑主语a new sport与add是被动关系。

In order for Lily to be informed , a short message was sent to her.

(2) drop 表示“丢弃,使停止,使终止” “落下,解雇”

Drop your weapons! Hands up!放下武器!举起手来!

Please drop me at the railway station.

After he had made that foolish mistake, the company dropped him.

13.ensure vt.(= makde sure )

I can’t ensure that he will be there in time.

Come early to ensure getting a good seat.

14. keep … under control 将……控制住

keep your temper under control.控制住你的脾气.

It was a long time before they got the flood waters under control.

15.Some sports ……. have been removed.

remove 在此表示 “去掉,消除”, 及物动词.

He removed all the evidence of his crime.他消除了他的所有罪证.


He removed his desk to another office. 他把他的桌子移到另一个办公室去了.


The traveller removed his wet coat. 旅行者脱掉了他的湿外套.

16.familiar (1)亲密的,亲近的 (2)熟谙的,通晓的 (3)熟悉的

He is a familiar friend of mine.他是我的密友。

I'm familiar with her family.我和他的家人很亲密。

He is familiar with three languages.他通晓三种语言。

His name is familiar to all of us.他的名字为我们所熟知。

17.Supporters of wushu would like to see it entered as a branch ...

see sb/ sth+过去分词,表示“看见某人/某物被……”

I don't want to see you beaten in the game.

They wanted to see the plan carried out soon.

18. make way (for ) 给……让路, 把职位让给…..

They made way for the bus.

I shall make way for a younger man..


make one’s way 前进

feel one’s way (黑暗中)摸索; 想一步走一步,

find one’s way to 设法到达

give way 让路,让步,屈服

lead the way 引路,

lose one’s way 迷路

19. involve vt. 包括,牵涉,使参与

be/get/become involved in sth 卷入…

be involved in doing sth 专心致志做某事

Don’t involve yourself in unnecessary expense.

become involved in criminal activities 与犯罪活动有关联.

20. maintain (keep up 、continue ) 保持、维持、继续

maintain friendly relations (with……)与…….保持友好关系

maintain prices 保持物价

maintain a speed of 60 miles an hour 保持一小时六十里的速度

maintain a balance of 保持…….平衡

keep one’s balance

lose one’s balance 失去平衡;(喻)心绪紊乱

balance of nature 生态平衡

a balanced diet 均衡饮食

21. look at “考虑、看待,着眼于”

The boss will not look at your proposal. 老板不会考虑你的建议的。

What I look at is its low price. 我看中的是它便宜的的价格。