高中二年级英语学案Units 3-4 (B2)(人教版高二英语上册学案设计)

发布时间:2016-3-3 编辑:互联网 手机版




(1). impress作 “铭刻” 讲时, 是及物动词. 常用于impress sth on/upon sb “使某人铭记某事物”.


His words impressed themselves on my memory.


(2). impress还可以表示 “给某人留下深刻印象”, 常用于被动语态.


We were deeply impressed by his words.


His acting impressed me as being somewhat artificial.


(3). 习语: impress sb with sth.使某人牢记某事.

be impressed on one’s mind/memory被印在脑海里; 留下很深的印象.

(4). 同义词: affect vt给……以印象; 影响.

2.close 与closely 的区别

close 和closely 用作副词意义上有差别。

Close 是指距离、场所、地点等的“接近,靠近”,可以说是一种实际意义上的“接近”。Close to有“接近,几乎,大概,差不多”的意思。


We live close to the church.


They sat close together.


He came close to losing his temper.


Closely 是指抽象意义上的“接近”,多用比喻意义,有“亲密地,严密地,仔细地”等意思。


The secret must be closely guarded.


He is looking at the bill closely.


[拓展] 由close 和closely这种意义上的区别,我们可以很轻松地区别high和highly、wide和widely等一类词。带-ly的副词往往用作抽象意义或比喻意义,而不带-ly的副词多用作实际意义。


He threw the ball high into the air.

他把球高高地抛向空中。(high 是指实际意义上的“高”)

They spoke highly of his behaviour.

他们高度地赞扬了他的行为。(highly 用作比喻意义“高度地”)

The dentist asked me to open wide.

牙医要我张大嘴巴。(wide 是指实际意义的“大、阔”)

He is widely read.

他博览群书。(widely 是指抽象意义上的“广泛地”)


(1). recommend作 “推荐; 介绍”解时, 是及物动词. 与to搭配, 表示 “将……推荐给……”, 与for搭配, 表示 “推荐……做……”, 与as搭配, 表示 “推荐……为……”.


I can recommend this dish.


Will you recommend a good dictionary to me?


He will recommend you for the job.


I recommend her as your secretary.


(2). recommend表示 “建议; 劝告”讲, 可以用于以下结构: recommend doing sth指 “建议/劝告做某事”: recommend sb to do, 指 “劝某人做某事”: recommend后还可加that从句, 表示 “建议……”.


I recommend going by airplane


The doctor recommended me to take a long rest


He recommended that the prisoners (should) be released.


[注意] recommend引导宾语从句时, 从句动词需要用虚拟语气形式, 即 “ should +do”或者do.

(3). 同义词: advise/suggest vt.建议.


1.如何正确使用“offer,provide, supply”?

offer 指主动提供。常构成“offer sb. sth.;offer sth. to/for sb.”结构。

provide 提供,供应,供给(有用的或必需的物品)。常构成固定结构“provide sth.(for sb.; provide sb. with sth.”。

supply 供应,供给(所需要或所要求的物品)。常构成固定表达“supply sth. to sb.; supply sb. with sth.”。


The police are offering a big reward for any information about the murder.


The firm has provided me with a car.


They supply gas to consumers.


2.although, though, as, in spite of和despite的区别

这几个词都有 “虽然, 尽管”的意思. 前三个词是连词. 而in spite of和despite是介词.

(1). although和though是从属连词, though更为常用, 而although则更为正式一些. although和though引导的句子既可以放在主句前, 也可以放在主句后面. 两者在句中经常可以互换.


Although (though) he is a little child, he knows a lot.



(误)Although he is rich, but he is not happy.

(正)Although he is rich, he is not happy.

(2). though引导的从句还可以用倒装语序, 即把句子中的表语, 状语提前放到句首. 而as引导的让步状语从句则必须把句子中的表语, 状语提前放到句首. 两者可以互换.


Tired though (as) he was, he was still working hard.

[注意]如果表语是单数名词, 提到句首时需要去掉冠词a..


Child though (as) he is, he knows a lot of knowledge.

(3). in spite of和despite是介词, 后面接名词或代词.


He keeps working in spite of (despite) his illness.

他不顾有病, 坚持工作.

In spite of (Despite) all this discomforts, the Curies worked on.

居里夫妇不顾一切困难, 继续工作着.

4.不同的 “表达”: illustrate, suggest, express



The book was illustrated with color photographs.


Explain and illustrate the main use of the present perfect tense.




That girl’s sun- burned face suggests excellent health.


3.express (用语言、外表、动作)表达,明显地表示。


He can express himself in good clear English now after four years’ hard learning.


A smile expressed her joy at the news.



1.Besides, no matter how well translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost. 另外, 不管翻译得多好, 也会丢掉原著中的某些精神.

no matter后接疑问代词或疑问副词, 引导让步状语从句, 意为 “不管……; 无论……”. 如:

If that idea was wrong, the project is bound to fail, no matter how good all the other ideas might be.

2.Usually remembered for other work than their poetry are eighteenth century poets such as Pope and Johnson. 不是因为诗, 而是因其他杰作让人不能忘怀的还有18世纪的蒲柏和约翰逊等.

为了强调, 此句的语序颠倒了. 正常的语序是:Eighteenth century poets such as Pope and Johnson are usually remembered for other work than their poetry.

be remembered for “因……被人怀念, 纪念或尊敬”

Mr. Smith will be remembered for his generosity to the poor.


be remembered as

than此处意为 “除……之外; 除……以外”, 常放在other, otherwise, else等词后.


I have no other friends than you.

other than [常用与否定句]除了: 除……之外

You can’t get to the island other than by boat.

3.Viewed from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel and it looks just like a bird’s nest made of tree branches. 从上面看, 这座体育馆像是被一个灰色的钢筋网盖住了, 它看上去就像一个用树枝垒起来的鸟巢.

Viewed from the top是过去分词作条件或时间状语, 相当于If it is viewed from the top. 如:

Used economically, one tin will last for at least six weeks.

it looks as if是常用句型, 意为 “看起来像……”. As if从句中常用虚拟语气, 但如果放在look, seem, taste, smell等动词后时, 却常用陈述语气.


The milk smells as if it is sour.





In the morning people work up and found the world outside their houses completely changed.

Many towns and villages had their water supply cut off because there was no electricity.

There famous parks in and around London had over 1,400 trees blown down.



(1)表感知的动词:see, watch, find, observe, notice, hear, feel, taste, smell, etc.


I heard the song sung in the next room.

He found himself inspired by Japanese seashells

(2)表使役的动词:have, make, get etc.


Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and architecture.

We should work harder to get the work done on time.

(3)表想法、愿望的动词: want, should, like, would like, etc.


They wanted their buildings constructed in a way to look unnatural.

I’d like Lucy invested, too.

(4)表某种状态的词:keep, leave, etc.


When you were out, you should keep the lights turned off.

It is had manners if he left the door broken after he broke it.




We have our classroom cleaned every day. (classroom和clean之间是逻辑上的被动关系)

The teacher will have Lucy clean the classroom today. (Lucy 和clean 之间是逻辑上的主动关系)

(2)不及物动词作宾补时,表动作完成,说明分词的动作发生在谓语动词之前;不定式作宾补时,一般表示不定式的动作在谓语动词之后发生,但动词 see, watch,notice,observe,hear,feel,smell,taste

后的不定式作宾补时(不定式的 to 省略),表示不定式的全过程;而-ing 形式作宾补是、表示动作正在发生。


When I got home, I found the necklace gone.(“丢”这一动作已完成)

I heard Jim sing the song.(我听见唱的全过程)

When I got there, I saw Mary reading an English novel.(“读”这一动作正在进行)




Viewed from a distance, the island looks like a cloud. (=When it was viewed from a distance, …)

Once published, his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line. (=Once his work was published,…)


Greatly disappointed, some staff decided to leave the company


Given more time, the slow learners would have done better.

Seen from the top, it looks as if stadium is covered by a gray net of steel.


He walked up and down, lost in thought.

Surrounded by a host of fans, the movie star left the airport excited.


1.由 when, while, whenever, until等连词引导,表示“时间”。


When (he is) asked about the secret of his success, he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.

Lucy seldom speaks in class until (she is) spoken to.

2.由where, wherever连词引导,表示“地点”。


Retirees in good health should be invited to return to work wherever (they are) needed.

3.由if, unless引导,表示“条件”。


If (they are) kept for too long, some medicine will lose their effectiveness.

Unless (it is) changed, the law will make life difficult for farmers.

4.由though, although, even though 连词引导,表示“让步”。


Although (it was) built before the war, the engine is still in perfect order.

Even though (we are) defeated for a second time, our team did not give up hope for the ultimate victory,

此外,过去分词还可以和介词with, without连用,具有副词的作用。


Without anything left in the kitchen, they decided to eat outside.



All our savings gone, we started to look for jobs.

This done, we went home.

【考点透视 考例精析】

[考例1] Luckily, we’d brought a road map without ______ we could have lost our way.

A.it B.that C.this D.which

[点拨] 选D。本题考查“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。解此题的关键是判断前后两个简单句之间是主从关系还是并列关系。

[考例2] Sometimes you may ________ giving up something, but you needn’t worry about it. You must have confidence in yourself.

A.want to B.would like to C.feel like D.decide to

[答案] C

[解析] 本题的选项A, B, C都可以表示“想要干什么”。但 want to 后面要接do sth.,即动词原形;would like to 后面也要接动词原形;只有feel like后才可以接 doing。D项的decide to后也接动词原形,表示“决定干…”。

[考点] 考查动词-ing形式作定语的用法。

[考例3] There was a terrible noise ___ the sudden burst of light. 

A.followed  B.following 

C.to be followed  D.being followed

[答案] B

[解析] 本句主要考查动词的-ing形式与过去分词短语作定语的用法。由于声音在闪电后,也就是说声跟随着光,意思应为主动的,所以此处用现在分词短语作noise的定语。

[拓展] 表示主动和被动的问题是区分动词-ing形式和过去分词的一个要点。一定要注意此点。


The teacher came into the classroom, followed by his students.

The students came into the classroom, following their teacher.




1.In my ______ (看法), she is not able to take care of the child.

2.A ______(化学的) change takes place in paper when it burns.

3.The whole city was ______(毁坏) in the earthquake.

4.How beautiful the music ______(听起来)!

5.The fish have very sharp teeth; they can eat a person in two minutes,

______ (留下) only the bones.

6. ometimes people cook the corn ______ (整个) over an open fire.

7.As a ______ (结果), there will be a great many jobs for the workers.

8.The ship has best ______ (装备) for keeping the fish fresh.

9.We had a ______ (特别的) passenger, a dog, on the bus that day.

10.No one could tell us anything about the ______ (神秘的). Stranger.


1.he room is so small that it can’t contain so ______.

A. many furnitures B. much furniture

C.few furnitures D.little furniture

2.I bought this dress ______for $35; it used to be $85.

A.for sale B.on sale C.at sale D.in sale

3.Almost nobody can stand ______fun of before a crowd of people.

A.to be made B. to make C.being made D.making

4.There are two new hotels near here ______construction.

A.under the B.under C. within the D.within

5. ______ what I think, what would you like to do?

A.Setting aside B.Setting out

C.Setting about D.Setting off

6.She missed the plane, ______driving very fast to the airport.

A.despite B.unless C.though D.without

7.I wouldn’t feel happy ______ in s block of apartments. I’d rather ______in a traditional house.

A.living; to live B. living; live C.to live; to live D.to live; living

8.Plenty of fresh air contributes ______good health.

A.in B.for C.to D.with

9.The road sign is easy to read; the words ______well.

A.make out B.stand out C. work out D.turn out

10.Do I have to stop to ______the new words I come across while I am reading a book?

A.look at B.look for C.look up D.look into



Chinese internet search engine Baidu has attracted investment from Google, its US counterpart, as that company looks for opportunities in China. The move, which was announced last week, has underlined international interest in the fast-growing Chinese market.

According to US reports, Google put US $10 million into the deal. Baidu said this will help them upgrade technology and build a brand profile.

Baidu founder and CEO Robin Li says he and his partner Eric Xu are Baidu’s biggest shareholders.

The biggest benefit for Baidu from the Google deal will be the boost for an offering on the NASDAQ stock market in the US.

China has more than 80 million internet users and growing access to broadband in urban areas and internet cafes in remoter towns.

Baidu is one of the most promising of the Chinese providers. The company began making a profit last year, with 80 per cent of its revenue coming from paid listings. That’s where a customer pays to have a name and web link appear at the top of a word search’s results list.

Local research shows that Baidu accounts for 48 percent of searches by Chinese Internet users. Google is second with under 30 percent.

However, Baidu is facing mounting challenges.

The performance of Sina, Sohu and Netease on the NASDAQ has brought results, Search engines are being seen by some as a future gold mine, following online advertising and mobile messages.

In the face of all these, Li says he believes that Baidu’s Chinese language search engine focus will be its biggest advantage.

1.As for Baidu, the most important result of the Google deal is that __________

A.It can help Baidu upgrade technology

B.It can help Baidu build a brand profile.

C.It can bring international interest in Baidu.

D.It can bring Baidu on the NASDAQ stock market.

2.What’s Baidu’s biggest advantage according to Robin Li?

A.Its Chinese language search engine focus.

B.It has more users than Google

C.It began making profit last year.

D.Google put $10 million into the deal.

3.What kind of company pay Baidu?

A.Companies that want to have online advertising.

B.Companies that want to search information on the internet.

C.Companies that want a name and web link appear at the top of a word search’s result list.

D.Companies that want to sell their product online.

4.From the passage, we can infer _________

A.Baidu is facing many challenges.

B.Baidu has no advantage at present.

C.Google will take the place of Baidu in the future.

D.Some people regard search engines as something very valuable.



Units 3-4 (B2)


一、1. opinion 2. chemical 3.destroyed 4.sounds 5.leaving 6.whole

6. result 8.equipment 9.special 10. secret

二、 1. B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.C


1-5 DACD

1.D ABC三个选项都属于Google这笔交易给Baidu带来的结果,文章的第一段最 后一句及第二段都提到了,但是题目问的是最重要的结果,根据文章第四段内容The biggest benefit for Baidu from the Google deal will be the boost for an offering on the NASDAQ stock market in the US.可以看出,选项D才是正确答案。

2.A 文章最后一段提到Li says he believes that Baidu’s Chinese language search engine focus will be its biggest advantage.可以看出,Baidu的最大优势是它的中文搜索引擎。

3.C 文章第六段提到with 80 per cent of its revenue coming from paid listings. That’s where a customer pays to have a name and web link appear at the top of a word search’s results list.可以得知Baidu 80%的收入来自那些想要在世界网络搜索结果中排在最前面的那些消费者。

4.D 这是一道推理判断题。A不能选,因为文章倒数第三段已经明确提到Baidu is facing mounting challenges.。文章明确提到的内容不能作为推理判断题的答案。而BC两个选项文章没有提到,无从推理。文章倒数第二段提到Search engines are being seen by some as a future gold mine,搜索引擎被一些人看作是将来的金矿,可以推断出正确答案是D,搜索引擎被一些人认为是非常值钱的东西。