模块6 Unit 2 全单元语言点详备教学案(师生版)(译林牛津版高二英语选修六学案设计)

发布时间:2016-9-23 编辑:互联网 手机版

M6 unit 2(学生版)

Welcome to the unit

1. These people are all doing things that make them happy. (P17)

make sb/sth + adj /n

⑴He has a strange way of___________his classes lively and interesting.


⑵He made him _____________ of the football team.(队长)

⑶Bush was made _____________of the USA again in 2004.

make 后面还可以跟do/done 及介词短语作宾语补足语

⑴We don’t need to make him learn.

⑵The waste put into the river makes the river ____________(污染)

⑶_____________________ ______________________ 请不要客气. (就像在家一样)

Reading: The search for happiness

1. The search for happiness (P18标题) 找寻快乐

search sb/sp 在…搜查, 在…搜索

search some place for sth. 在某地搜寻某物

search for sth /sb 搜寻以找到某人或某物


The police ______________ _______ for the lost wallet.

⑵The enemy __________ the mountain _______ the wounded.


⑶They _________ __________ (寻找)the lost child everywhere.

search n. 搜查,搜索

in search of/ in one’s search for/ in the search for

⑷They went out _____________________________________(寻找)a cheap hotel.

2. To those who have been injured or struggle with a physical disability, happiness can simply mean a day without pain or just being alive. (P18 Line 4 )

1) injure vt 伤害,损害 injury n.



①He _________________(injure) his left leg while playing football.

②Dishonesty __________________a business. 欺骗有损生意。

the injured 指受伤的人get injured

③The injured ___________(be) taken to the nearest hospital.

④He ___________________________________________in the fight. 他在打斗中伤的很轻/重


⑴ hurt vt. 使受伤; 伤害 尤其指肉体,精神或心灵上的伤害,含较强烈的“疼痛”之意, 指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。vi.疼痛My feet hurt when I walk.

⑵ harm 常用于口语,一般只作及物动词,表示“对……有害,损害”。其名词也为harm,只能用作不可数名词,意为“伤害,损害”。


⑷injure主要指在事故中受伤, 其名词为injury,可指平时的大小创伤或伤害,还可指事故中的伤害。

用wound, harm, hurt, injure的正确形式填空:

① Don’t _________________ your eyes by reading in dim light.

② The bullet __________________ him in the shoulder.

③She was badly __________ in the car accident.

④ The criticism __________ ___________ him deeply and he still feels sad now.

⑤ The head __________ healed(愈合) slowly.

2) struggle (P18 Line 4) vi 挣扎 n. 打斗,搏斗,斗争,努力

struggle with‥与…打架, 与…斗争struggle for为…而斗争

struggle through挣扎着度过 struggle to do挣扎/奋力做某事

⑴The two boys are struggling ________________each other.

⑵We struggled _______________ the crowd.

⑶The two leaders are struggling _______________power.

⑷The thief struggled _____ ____(逃跑), but failed.

⑸After ___ _________ ________, she gained control of the business.


a life-and-death struggle __________________________

3) disability (P18 Line 4) n. 残疾,无能,无力

able/unable adj. 能够的,有才干的,能干的/不能的,不会的

enable/disable vt. 使能够/使丧失能力

be able to do , enable sb to do

ability/disability n. [u]能力,本领;[c]才能/ [u]无能;[c]残疾

disabled adj. 残疾的 the disabled = people with disability 残疾人

The disabled ______ (be) well looked after in the country.


⑴ His ___________prevents him from doing the job.

⑵ As his disease has______________him, Hawking has to sit in his famous wheelchair and speak through a computer.

⑶ A very little baby is_____________ to walk or talk.

⑷ He was_______________in the war.

⑸The pass (通行证)__________ me _______travel half-price on trains

3. Well, in case some of our viewers don’t know her story, can you tell us a little bit about Sang Lan and who she is? (p.18, lines 20-21)

1) in case (P18 Line 20 ) 假设,万一,以防,后接从句


in that case 如果那样 in case of + 名词

in any case 无论如何,总之 in no case 在句首要用倒装句,意思是________________

操练:用以上case 构成的短语填空。

⑴______________________ will we give in.

⑵Call the number __________________ emergency.

⑶Bring your dictionary with you ___________you use it.

⑷In _____ case, you wouldn’t have a pan on fire.


⑴-I’m afraid Mr. Wood can’t see you until 4 o’clock.

 -Oh, ______I won’t wait.(2005浙江)

  A. no doubt B. after all C. in that case D. in this way

⑵My father may have to go into hospital, he won’t be going on holiday.

A. in that case B. in which case C. in case D. in the case

2) a bit 程度副词 = a little= a little bit 有点儿

在名词前要用a bit of, 修饰不可数名词

eg. ⑴Your article is ___________________________long. 你的文章有点儿长.

⑵ I need ____________________ water.我需要一点水.

【翻译】 ⑴I’m not ________________tired. 我一点也不累.

⑵ I’m not ________________ tired. 我非常累.

【注意】 not a bit= not at all 毫不 not a little= much 非常

4. By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games, she had been a dedicated junior gymnast for eleven years. (p18, lines 23-26)

1) by : not later than; before与完成时连用

⑴By the time he arrives, we________________________completed the project.

⑵By the time the doctor arrived, the patient ________________died.

2) junior 地位或身份低的 (通常无比较级)be junior to sb

He is several years_________________ Mr. Cooper.


反义词senior be senior to 比某人年长

He is 10 years_________ _______ me. 他比我大十岁。

3)dedicated adj. 投入的,专注的,献身的

搭配:be dedicated to sth./doing sth.

eg. She is dedicated to _____________(write) her novel.

dedicate (vt.) oneself / sth. to sth./doing sth. 献身某人自己/某物在,某事上/做某事

5. Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents, she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics. (p18, line29)

1)even though/if_________ as though/if________________

even so _______________

He likes to help us ________he is very busy. 尽管他很忙, 他还是愿意帮助我的.


⑴Allow children the space to voice their opinions, _ they are different from your own.  (05湖南)

A. until   B. even if    C. unless     D. as though

⑵Your uncle seems to be a good driver; ___, I wouldn’t dare to travel in his car.

 A.even so    B.even though C.therefore   D.so

2) apart (adv.) (时间或空间上)分离; 相隔; 不在一起,分开

apart from 远离……,和……不在一起;除外

know/tell…apart 识别,区别

take…apart 拆开,拆卸;痛斥

翻译: ⑴我认为你分不清这兄弟俩._________________________________________________



apart from : besides in addition to 除了…之外,若不是

Apart from some wine, he drank some beer.

⑴__________________ his nose, he is quite good-looking. 他除了鼻子,哪儿都好看。

⑵_____________________ (Besides/ In addition to) the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs. 他除了脸部和双手受伤外,两条腿也断了。

3) devote devote oneself to sb/sth 献身于,致力于

devote sth to sth 把……用于……

devote /dedicate one’s energy/life/time/money/attention to…


adj. devoted 忠诚的;挚爱的;全心全意的 be devoted to… 献身于

⑴a ________________ son/ friend/ supporter孝子/忠实的朋友/不遗余力的支持者

⑵The doctor is determined to devote his whole life to __________(研究)Aids virus.

⑶He devotes all his efforts to the task.

⑷Her son, _______whom she was so devoted, went abroad 10 years ago.

devotion n. 1. 奉献, 献身, 忠诚2. 热爱, 挚爱

6. In 1998, a small accident during one of her practice vaults at the Good will Games could have cost her future happiness.

1)句中could have done 语气委婉,意为 “ 过去本能……”.

Eg. The accident could have been prevented. 这事故本来是可以防止的.

另外,还可以表示 “那时(过去)可能”.

Eg. Don’t worry-they could have just forgotten to phone. _______________________________.

【归纳拓展】: 情态动词+ have done

must have done 一定做了……

can have done 可能做过……

can’t/ couldn’t have done 不可能做过……

may/might have done 或许做过……

may/might not have done 可能没做过……

should/ought to have done 本该做某事(事实上没做)

should not have done / ought not to have done 本不该做某事(事实上已经做了)

needn’t have done 本不必做某事

had better have done 当时最好做了某事

would rather have done 宁愿当时做了某事

⑴ We have proved great adventures, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.

A. needn’t B. may not C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t

⑵ The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.

A. should have taken B. could have taken

C. needn’t have taken D. mustn’t have taken

⑶ As you worked late yesterday, you have come this morning.

A. needn’t B. mayn’t C. can’t D. mustn’t

⑷ He have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.

A. should B. must C. wouldn’t D. can’t

⑸ I have been more than six years old when the accident happened.

A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t

⑹ He paid for a seat, when he have entered free.

A. could B. would C. must D. need

2)cost: to lead to the loss of something vt. cost sb. sth. 使……付出代价;花费

⑴ The mistake cost him his job. ______________________________

⑵ Writing a book costs time and patience._________________________________

⑶ _____________________________ 这幢房子花了他十五万美元。

7. She was rushed to a top hospital in New York …(P19 Line 36)

Rush⑴vi. 仓促,匆忙;猛冲

_________________(别催我)! I need time to think about it.

rush into s.p 猛冲进某地

She _____________________the room.

⑵vt. 紧急送往;使冲向;仓促行事

rush sb. to s.p. 紧急送某人到某地

After the accident, the injured ________________________(被急送)the hospital.

⑶n. in a rush 急忙,匆忙 rush hour (上下班的)交通高峰期

① I don't like ________________________________(快节奏的现代生活) as everyone seems to be doing things ______________________匆忙地,仓促地).

② The traffic on the streets _____________________________(高峰期间) came to a standstill.

8.…all said she was in good spirits . (P19 Line 43)

spirit 精神,心灵

He is troubled in spirit. 他内心苦恼。

spirits 通常用复数形式,意思是“精神状态,情绪,心境; 烈酒, 酒精”

raise sb’s spirits _______________ in poor/ low /high spirits ________________

9. And how has Sang Lang adapted to her new life? (P19 Line 56)

adapt 使…适应,使.. 适合

adapt (oneself) to sth. (使)适应=adjust oneself to sth.

adapt A for B 为B改造/改编A

adapt from 根据……改编

adapt…as… 把……改写为……


⑴This novel has been adapted ______ radio/as a radio program from the Russian original.

⑵These styles can ______ ________to suit individual tastes.


adaptable adj. 能适应的,适应性强的;可改编的

adaptation n. 适应,适应性;改编本

10. I hope all of our viewers have been inspired by Sang Lan!

inspire (P19 Line 63) 激励,鼓舞

inspire sb. to (do) sth. 鼓舞某人做某事

inspire sb. with sth. = inspire sth. in sb. 用某事鼓舞某人

eg. 1) 好消息让我们充满希望。(用两个句子)



inspire 原义表示“ 赋予某人灵感(尤指写作,绘画,作曲等)”

The beautiful scenery inspired the poet to write his greatest poem.

inspired adj. 有创造力的,有雄心壮志的,得到灵感的,常修饰人

e.g an ___________ poet/ a young man inspired

有创造力的诗人/ 有雄心壮志的的青年

inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的, 使人感兴趣的inspiration n. 灵感

an inspiring thought/ a book on an_________ subject

鼓舞人心的想法/ 一本题材令人感兴趣的书

11. I think her courage is admirable. (P19 Line 64)

1) courage n.勇气(have the courage to do sth)

courageous adj.勇敢的,无畏的

encourage vt.鼓励,激励

encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

encouragement n.

encouraging/encouraged adj.令人鼓舞的/受鼓舞的

discourage vt.阻止,阻拦

discourage sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

discouragement n.泄气,灰心

discouraging/discouraged adj.令人泄气的,灰心的/泄气的,灰心的

2) admire v.钦佩 → admirable adj. 令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得羡慕的

admiration . n . 钦佩,羡慕,赞美

admire sb for sth 因…而羡慕,赞美,钦佩某人

They admire our neat garden.


I admire him______ his courage in reform.


admirable adj. 令人钦佩的,极好的

an admirable performance 优美的表演

admiration n.

Her handling of the crisis fills me ____________ _______________________.


12. Sang already knew this, and won the sympathy and admiration of people across the the world with her good attitude and beautiful smile. (P21)

sympathy n. 同情心 (不可数)

show/feel great sympathy for sb/towards

She has never showed ___________ ________________ the poor.

sympathize v. sympathize with sb/sth 同情,支持

sympathetic adj. 表示同情的,出于同情的

Important phrases:

1.被……包围或环绕 be surrounded by/with

2.意味着在某方面取得成功 mean achieving success in sth.

3.实现一个目标meet/reach/achieve/realize a goal

4.在逆境中 in difficult times

5.为……感到幸福 be happy with …

6.对……感到吃惊 be amazed by/at sth.

7.保持愉快的心情remain cheerful

8.参加体操锦标赛 compete in the gymnastic tournament

9.在纽约友好运动会上at the New York Goodwill Games

10.评价某人……, 把某人说成……describe sb. as ……

11.严重的伤势severe injuries

12.鼓励某人 cheer up

13.幸福的秘诀the secret to happiness

14.集中精力于目标 focus on goals

15.克服失落感/困难/缺点/羞涩感overcome one’s disappointment /difficulties /shortcomings/shyness

16.读新闻业study journalism

17.在北京大学at Peking University

18.对某事保持乐观的态度stay/be optimistic about sth 保持积极的状态 stay positive

19.感到难以承受feel unbearable

20.一系列的问题 a series of questions

21.更好地理解 give sb a better understanding of

22.注意某人 take note of=take notice of

23.对生活有个好态度 (P21) have a good attitude towards life

24.只要 so long as/as long as

25.不能做运动 miss playing sport

Word power﹠Grammar

1. I knew I wanted to go for it.(P23 L2)

go for 争取,试图得到

John is ________________________ (争取)his second gold medal.

It sounds a great idea . Go for it! 这听起来是个好主意。努力实现吧.


1. be content with ‥ 对满意 / 满足

2. be concerned about ‥ 关心,挂念

3. be frightened during the horror film 在看恐怖电影时吓得要命

4. be jealous of ‥妒忌

5. speak in public在公共场合发言

6. be filled with frustration充满挫折

7. hot under the collar发怒的, 气得要争吵的

8. over the moon 欣喜若狂

9. down in the dumps 垂头丧气, 愁眉苦脸

10. on cloud nine 九霄云上, 欣喜若狂, 极快乐

11. feel blue 感到无精打采

12. fly off the handle〈美口〉冒火,激动;死,翘辫子,大发雷霆,

13. film an action scene 拍摄一个动作镜头 film series系列片


1. under a (black) cloud

2. be stuck/caught between---

3. feel blue

4. down in the dumps(feeling unhappy)

5. Running around on the basketball court is what makes me happy.

划线部分是 从句。翻译全句: 。

6. arrange vi & vt. 安排;筹备;布置;整理 arrangement (n.)

我们按时在六点钟见面。 We met at six, .

我们不得不安排如何到达机场。We have to .

arrange for sb/sth to do sth

他安排了一辆轿车来接我们。 .

7. Whichever way I look at it, I’ll never be really good at anything unless I quit doing everything else.


Project Making a happiness handbook

1. look back on--- : to think about something in the past


2. ahead of--- 在---的前面;早于---;领先---

有三个男孩在我前面。 .

我在截至日期前两天完成了工作。 .

他总是遥遥领先于班上其他同学。 .

3. When I imagine my future, I see myself successful in my job and surrounded by my family.


see +宾语+ (它由 和 充当)

4. guarantee n. 保证;担保;保修单;


He gave me it would never happen again.

The watch is still under guarantee. .

vt. 保证;担保;确保

guarantee that--- guarantee to do sth. guarantee sb. sth.

我们不能保证我们的航班绝不误点。 .

我们保证一周内交货。 .

如今获得学位并不能保证你有工作。 .

be guaranteed to do sth 肯定会,必定会做-----

那种行为肯定会让他生气。 .

5. assist sb. in/with sth 帮助,协助,援助某人做-----

他将帮你找个住的地方。 .

assistance(n.) assistant(n.)

6. I will have a secure job that I like and I will find happiness in being successful at it.

翻译: 。

7. believe in sb.

8. be tired of---- be tired from-----

9. at that point

10. in a rush

11. play sport

12. work part-time jobs

13. cook instant meals

14. enjoy each other’s company=enjoy being with each other

15. take time to relax

16. think this way

M6 unit 2(教师版)

Welcome to the unit

3. These people are all doing things that make them happy. (P17)

make sb/sth + adj /n

⑴He has a strange way of___making_____his classes lively and interesting.


⑵He made him ___captain_____ of the football team.(队长)

⑶Bush was made __President_____of the USA again in 2004.

make 后面还可以跟do/done 及介词短语作宾语补足语

⑴We don’t need to make him learn.

⑵The waste put into the river makes the river __polluted_____(污染)

⑶____Please make yourself at home________ 请不要客气. (就像在家一样)

Reading: The search for happiness

2. The search for happiness (P18标题) 找寻快乐

search sb/sp 在…搜查, 在…搜索

search some place for sth. 在某地搜寻某物

search for sth /sb 搜寻以找到某人或某物


The police searched him for the lost wallet.

⑵The enemy searched the mountain for the wounded.


⑶They searched for_ (寻找)the lost child everywhere.

search n. 搜查,搜索

in search of/ in one’s search for/ in the search for

⑷They went out _in search of /in their search for/ in the search for(寻找)a cheap hotel.

4. To those who have been injured or struggle with a physical disability, happiness can simply mean a day without pain or just being alive. (P18 Line 4 )

1) injure vt 伤害,损害 injury n.



①He injured_(injure) his left leg while playing football.

②Dishonesty injured a business. 欺骗有损生意。

the injured 指受伤的人get injured

③The injured _were (be) taken to the nearest hospital.

④He got slightly/seriously/badly injured in the fight. 他在打斗中伤的很轻/重


⑶ hurt vt. 使受伤; 伤害 尤其指肉体,精神或心灵上的伤害,含较强烈的“疼痛”之意, 指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。vi.疼痛My feet hurt when I walk.

⑷ harm 常用于口语,一般只作及物动词,表示“对……有害,损害”。其名词也为harm,只能用作不可数名词,意为“伤害,损害”。


⑷injure主要指在事故中受伤, 其名词为injury,可指平时的大小创伤或伤害,还可指事故中的伤害。

用wound, harm, hurt, injure的正确形式填空:

③ Don’t harm your eyes by reading in dim light.

④ The bullet wound him in the shoulder.

③She was badly injured in the car accident.

④ The criticism has hurt him deeply and he still feels sad now.

⑤ The head injury healed(愈合) slowly.

2) struggle (P18 Line 4) vi 挣扎 n. 打斗,搏斗,斗争,努力

struggle with‥与…打架, 与…斗争struggle for为…而斗争

struggle through挣扎着度过 struggle to do挣扎/奋力做某事

⑴The two boys are struggling with each other.

⑵We struggled through the crowd.

⑶The two leaders are struggling for power.

⑷The thief struggled to escape (逃跑), but failed.

⑸After a long struggle, she gained control of the business.


a life-and-death struggle 生死斗争

3) disability (P18 Line 4) n. 残疾,无能,无力

able/unable adj. 能够的,有才干的,能干的/不能的,不会的

enable/disable vt. 使能够/使丧失能力

be able to do , enable sb to do

ability/disability n. [u]能力,本领;[c]才能/ [u]无能;[c]残疾

disabled adj. 残疾的 the disabled = people with disability 残疾人

The disabled are (be) well looked after in the country.


⑸ His disability prevents him from doing the job.

⑹ As his disease has disabled him, Hawking has to sit in his famous wheelchair and speak through a computer.

⑺ A very little baby is unable to walk or talk.

⑻ He was disabled _in the war.

⑸The pass (通行证)enables me to travel half-price on trains

3. Well, in case some of our viewers don’t know her story, can you tell us a little bit about Sang Lan and who she is? (p.18, lines 20-21)

1) in case (P18 Line 20 ) 假设,万一,以防,后接从句

你最好带雨衣以防下雨。You ‘d better take a raincoat in case it rains.

in that case 如果那样 in case of + 名词

in any case 无论如何,总之 in no case 在句首要用倒装句,意思是 无论如何不

操练:用以上case 构成的短语填空。

⑴ In no case will we give in.

⑵Call the number in case of emergency.

⑶Bring your dictionary with you in case you use it.

⑷In this case, you wouldn’t have a pan on fire.


⑴-I’m afraid Mr. Wood can’t see you until 4 o’clock.

 -Oh, ___C___I won’t wait.(2005浙江)

  A. no doubt B. after all C. in that case D. in this way

⑵My father may have to go into hospital, B he won’t be going on holiday.

A. in that case B. in which case C. in case D. in the case

2) a bit 程度副词 = a little= a little bit 有点儿

在名词前要用a bit of, 修饰不可数名词

eg. ⑴Your article is __a bit/ a little/a little bit long. 你的文章有点儿长.

⑵ I need a bit of water.我需要一点水.

【翻译】 ⑴I’m not a bit tired. 我一点也不累.

⑵ I’m not a little tired. 我非常累.

【注意】 not a bit= not at all 毫不 not a little= much 非常

4. By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games, she had been a dedicated junior gymnast for eleven years. (p18, lines 23-26)

1) by : not later than; before与完成时连用

⑴By the time he arrives, we_will have_completed the project.

⑵By the time the doctor arrived, the patient _had_died.

2) junior 地位或身份低的 (通常无比较级)be junior to sb

He is several years junior to Mr. Cooper.


反义词senior be senior to 比某人年长

He is 10 years senior to me. 他比我大十岁。

3)dedicated adj. 投入的,专注的,献身的

搭配:be dedicated to sth./doing sth.

eg. She is dedicated to writing (write) her novel.

dedicate (vt.) oneself / sth. to sth./doing sth. 献身某人自己/某物在,某事上/做某事

5. Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents, she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics. (p18, line29)

1)even though/if 尽管/即使 as though/if_好像/仿佛

even so _虽然如此/即使如此_

He likes to help us ________he is very busy. 尽管他很忙, 他还是愿意帮助我的.


⑴Allow children the space to voice their opinions, B they are different from your own.  (05湖南)

A. until   B. even if    C. unless     D. as though

⑵Your uncle seems to be a good driver; _A__, I wouldn’t dare to travel in his car.

 A.even so    B.even though C.therefore   D.so

2) apart (adv.) (时间或空间上)分离; 相隔; 不在一起,分开

apart from 远离……,和……不在一起;除外

know/tell…apart 识别,区别

take…apart 拆开,拆卸;痛斥

翻译: ⑴我认为你分不清这兄弟俩._I don’t think you can tell the two brothers apart.

⑵当他结婚后,他就不和父母一起住了。_After /When he got married, he lived apart from his parents.

⑶工人们把机器拆开了。_The workers took the machines apart.

apart from : besides in addition to as well as on top of 除了…之外,若不是

Apart from some wine, he drank some beer.

⑴__Apart from__his nose, he is quite good-looking. 他除了鼻子,哪儿都好看。

⑵__Apart from__ (Besides/ In addition to) the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs. 他除了脸部和双手受伤外,两条腿也断了。

3) devote devote oneself to sb/sth 献身于,致力于

devote sth to sth 把……用于……

devote /dedicate one’s energy/life/time/money/attention to…


adj. devoted 忠诚的;挚爱的;全心全意的 be devoted to… 献身于

⑴a devoted son/ friend/ supporter孝子/忠实的朋友/不遗余力的支持者

⑵The doctor is determined to devote his whole life to __rearching__(研究)Aids virus.

⑶He devotes all his efforts to the task.

⑷Her son, __to__whom she was so devoted, went abroad 10 years ago.

devotion n. 1. 奉献, 献身, 忠诚2. 热爱, 挚爱

6. In 1998, a small accident during one of her practice vaults at the Good will Games could have cost her future happiness.

1)句中could have done 语气委婉,意为 “ 过去本能……”.

Eg. The accident could have been prevented. 这事故本来是可以防止的.

另外,还可以表示 “那时(过去)可能”.

Eg. Don’t worry-they could have just forgotten to phone. 别着急, 可能他们只是忘了打电话.

【归纳拓展】: 情态动词+ have done

must have done 一定做了……

can have done 可能做过……

can’t/ couldn’t have done 不可能做过……

may/might have done 或许做过……

may/might not have done 可能没做过……

should/ought to have done 本该做某事(事实上没做)

should not have done / ought not to have done 本不该做某事(事实上已经做了)

needn’t have done 本不必做某事

had better have done 当时最好做了某事

would rather have done 宁愿当时做了某事

⑴ We B have proved great adventures, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.

A. needn’t B. may not C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t

⑵ The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I C the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.

A. should have taken B. could have taken

C. needn’t have taken D. mustn’t have taken

⑶ As you worked late yesterday, you A have come this morning.

A. needn’t B. mayn’t C. can’t D. mustn’t

⑷ He B have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.

A. should B. must C. wouldn’t D. can’t

⑸ I B have been more than six years old when the accident happened.

A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t

⑹ He paid for a seat, when he A have entered free.

A. could B. would C. must D. need

2)cost: to lead to the loss of something vt. cost sb. sth. 使……付出代价;花费; 使丧失

⑴ The mistake cost him his job. 这个错误使他失去了工作。

⑵ Writing a book costs time and patience. 写书要付出时间和耐心的。

⑶ The house cost him $ 15000. 这幢房子花了他十五万美元。

7. She was rushed to a top hospital in New York …(P19 Line 36)

Rush⑴vi. 仓促,匆忙;猛冲

_Don’t rush me(别催我)! I need time to think about it.

rush into s.p 猛冲进某地

She rushed _into_ the room.

⑵vt. 紧急送往;使冲向;仓促行事

rush sb. to s.p. 紧急送某人到某地

After the accident, the injured _were rushed to (被急送)the hospital.

⑶n. in a rush 急忙,匆忙 rush hour (上下班的)交通高峰期

① I don't like _the rush of modern life (快节奏的现代生活) as everyone seems to be doing things _in a rush (匆忙地,仓促地).

③ The traffic on the streets during the rush hours(高峰期间) came to a standstill.

8.…all said she was in good spirits . (P19 Line 43)

spirit 精神,心灵

He is troubled in spirit. 他内心苦恼。

spirits 通常用复数形式,意思是“精神状态,情绪,心境; 烈酒, 酒精”

raise sb’s spirits 鼓舞某人的情绪 in poor/ low /high spirits 情绪低落/情绪高昂

9. And how has Sang Lang adapted to her new life? (P19 Line 56)

adapt 使…适应,使.. 适合

adapt (oneself) to sth. (使)适应=adjust oneself to sth.

adapt A for B 为B改造/改编A

adapt from 根据……改编

adapt…as… 把……改写为……


⑴This novel has been adapted ___for___ radio/as a radio program from the Russian original.

⑵These styles can _be adapted_to suit individual tastes.

她很快就适应了这种新气候_She adapted (herself) quickly to the new climate.

adaptable adj. 能适应的,适应性强的;可改编的

adaptation n. 适应,适应性;改编本

10. I hope all of our viewers have been inspired by Sang Lan!

inspire (P19 Line 63) 激励,鼓舞

inspire sb. to (do) sth. 鼓舞某人做某事

inspire sb. with sth. = inspire sth. in sb. 用某事鼓舞某人

eg. 1) 好消息让我们充满希望。(用两个句子)

_The good news inspired us with hope.

_The good news inpired hope in us.

inspire 原义表示“ 赋予某人灵感(尤指写作,绘画,作曲等)”

The beautiful scenery inspired the poet to write his greatest poem.

inspired adj. 有创造力的,有雄心壮志的,得到灵感的,常修饰人

e.g an ___inspired_ poet/ a young man inspired

有创造力的诗人/ 有雄心壮志的的青年

inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的, 使人感兴趣的inspiration n. 灵感

an inspiring thought/ a book on an inspiring subject

鼓舞人心的想法/ 一本题材令人感兴趣的书

11. I think her courage is admirable. (P19 Line 64)

1) courage n.勇气(have the courage to do sth)

courageous adj.勇敢的,无畏的

encourage vt.鼓励,激励

encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

encouragement n.

encouraging/encouraged adj.令人鼓舞的/受鼓舞的

discourage vt.阻止,阻拦

discourage sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

discouragement n.泄气,灰心

discouraging/discouraged adj.令人泄气的,灰心的/泄气的,灰心的

2) admire v.钦佩 → admirable adj. 令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得羡慕的

admiration . n . 钦佩,羡慕,赞美

admire sb for sth 因…而羡慕,赞美,钦佩某人

They admire our neat garden.


I admire him___for___ his courage in reform.


admirable adj. 令人钦佩的,极好的

an admirable performance 优美的表演

admiration n.

Her handling of the crisis fills me _with__admiration_.


12. Sang already knew this, and won the sympathy and admiration of people across the the world with her good attitude and beautiful smile. (P21)

sympathy n. 同情心 (不可数)

show/feel great sympathy for sb/towards

She has never showed any sympathy for_ the poor.

sympathize v. sympathize with sb/sth 同情,支持

sympathetic adj. 表示同情的,出于同情的

Important phrases:

1.被……包围或环绕 be surrounded by/with

2.意味着在某方面取得成功 mean achieving success in sth.

3.实现一个目标meet/reach/achieve/realize a goal

4.在逆境中 in difficult times

5.为……感到幸福 be happy with …

6.对……感到吃惊 be amazed by/at sth.

7.保持愉快的心情remain cheerful

8.参加体操锦标赛 compete in the gymnastic tournament

9.在纽约友好运动会上at the New York Goodwill Games

10.评价某人……, 把某人说成……describe sb. as ……

11.严重的伤势severe injuries

12.鼓励某人 cheer up

13.幸福的秘诀the secret to happiness

14.集中精力于目标 focus on goals

15.克服失落感/困难/缺点/羞涩感overcome one’s disappointment /difficulties /shortcomings/shyness

16.读新闻业study journalism

17.在北京大学at Peking University

18.对某事保持乐观的态度stay/be optimistic about sth 保持积极的状态 stay positive

19.感到难以承受feel unbearable

20.一系列的问题 a series of questions

21.更好地理解 give sb a better understanding of

22.注意某人 take note of=take notice of

23.对生活有个好态度 (P21) have a good attitude towards life

24.只要 so long as/as long as

25.不能做运动 miss playing sport

Word power﹠Grammar

1. I knew I wanted to go for it.(P23 L2)

go for 争取,试图得到

John is __going for__ (争取)his second gold medal.

It sounds a great idea . Go for it! 这听起来是个好主意。努力实现吧.


14. be content with ‥ 对满意 / 满足

15. be concerned about ‥ 关心,挂念

16. be frightened during the horror film 在看恐怖电影时吓得要命

17. be jealous of ‥妒忌

18. speak in public在公共场合发言

19. be filled with frustration充满挫折

20. hot under the collar发怒的, 气得要争吵的

21. over the moon 欣喜若狂

22. down in the dumps 垂头丧气, 愁眉苦脸

23. on cloud nine 九霄云上, 欣喜若狂, 极快乐

24. feel blue 感到无精打采

25. fly off the handle〈美口〉冒火,激动;死,翘辫子,大发雷霆,

26. film an action scene 拍摄一个动作镜头 film series系列片


8. under a (black) cloud 有嫌疑,被怀疑

9. be stuck/caught between--- 被困在。。。之间退维两难

10. feel blue 感到忧郁的

11. down in the dumps(feeling unhappy) 感到不高兴的,心情不好

12. Running around on the basketball court is what makes me happy.

划线部分是 表语 从句。翻译全句: 在篮球场上 驰骋是我的快乐所在 。

13. arrange vi & vt. 安排;筹备;布置;整理 arrangement (n.)

我们按时在六点钟见面。 We met at six, as arranged .

我们不得不安排如何到达机场。We have to arrange how to get to the airport .

arrange for sb/sth to do sth

他安排了一辆轿车来接我们。 He arranged for a car th collect us .

14. Whichever way I look at it, I’ll never be really good at anything unless I quit doing everything else.

翻译:__无论我用那种方式看待它, 我都不可能真正擅长任何一个除非我放弃其中一个。

Project Making a happiness handbook

17. look back on--- : to think about something in the past

回顾你的童年 look back on your childhood

18. ahead of--- 在---的前面;早于---;领先---

有三个男孩在我前面。 Three boys were ahead of me .

我在截至日期前两天完成了工作。 I finished the work two days ahead of the deadline .

他总是遥遥领先于班上其他同学。 He is always well ahead of the rest of the class .

19. When I imagine my future, I see myself successful in my job and surrounded by my family.


see +宾语+ 宾补 (它由 adj. 和 pp 充当)

20. guarantee n. 保证;担保;保修单;


He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again.

The watch is still under guarantee. 在保修期间 .

vt. 保证;担保;确保

guarantee that--- guarantee to do sth. guarantee sb. sth.

我们不能保证我们的航班绝不误点。We can’t guarantee that our flight will never be delayed.

我们保证一周内交货。 We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week .

如今获得学位并不能保证你有工作。 These days getting a degree doesn’t guarantee you a job .

be guaranteed to do sth 肯定会,必定会做-----

那种行为肯定会让他生气。 That kind of behaviour is guaranteed to make him angry .

21. assist sb. in/with sth 帮助,协助,援助某人做-----

他将帮你找个住的地方。 He will assist you in finding somewhere to live .

assistance(n.) assistant(n.)

22. I will have a secure job that I like and I will find happiness in being successful at it.

翻译: 我将有一份我喜爱的稳定的工作并因工作有成效而找到幸福 。

23. believe in sb.

24. be tired of---- be tired from-----

25. at that point

26. in a rush

27. play sport

28. work part-time jobs

29. cook instant meals

30. enjoy each other’s company=enjoy being with each other

31. take time to relax

32. think this way