高一英语导学提纲(7) M3U3 Project (译林牛津版高一英语必修三教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-1-9 编辑:互联网 手机版


M3U3 Project



1. 列出 China and Rome的异同点

2. 画出China and Rome时间发展表


Para.1 Main events in Rome and China between 753BC and 479 BC.

Para.2 Similarities between China and Rome during the Han Dynasty.

Para.3 Both Rome and China influenced other areas between 212 BC and 100BC.

Para.4 Rome and China had a hard time in the following hundred years.

二: 词汇知识


1.使混乱, 迷惑(vt.) confuse 混乱,混淆(n.) confusion_迷惑的(adj.)confused


2.战争,打斗(v.) fight 战争,打斗(n.) fighting 战士,打斗者(n.) fighter

3.诗歌(n.) poetry 诗人poet 诗poem

4.相同点(n.) similarity adj. similar adv. similarly

5.重新统一(vt.) reunite n. reunion

6.推翻 overthrow (past form& past participle form) overthrew overthrown


1.秦朝 the Qin Dynasty 2.早在公元前2000年 as early as 2000BC

3.在使用中 in use 4.作为回报in return (for)

5.在随后的几百年里 in the following hundred years

6.经历了一番磨难 have a hard time 7.不再存在 no more 8.发生,举行take place


1. Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.

2. The Han Dynasty was founded_ with Chang’an as its capital city.

3. What is interesting is that the other largest city was Rome.

4.Chinese people _managed to travel further and further along the Silk Road, introducing silk, china, tea, etc. to other countries.



1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________



1.He greatly influenced the development of China’s culture and education.

influence n.& vt影响

influence sb. to do sth. 影响或支配某人做某事

have (an) influence on/upon 对 有影响

under the influence of 在 影响下

1) The fact that he is rich and famous has no influence on/upon our decision.(不会影响)

2) I don't influence you. You must decide for yourself.


2. As early as 200 BC,the Silk Road, which was the route for trade between the East and the West, was in use.

trade n.贸易,交易[U] 行业the trade

vt.交换[(+for)] vi. 做买卖,进行交易

trade in 做…(某方面的 生意)

trade with 与…做生意;与…交换

trade sth. for sth. 以…交换

1)He trades in silk. 他经营丝绸贸易。

2)She traded three apples for a bunch of bananas. 她用三只苹果换得一串香蕉。

3)Japan does lots of trade with the United States. 日本与美国间的贸易频繁。

4)The country earns most of its income from the tourist trade (旅游业).

3. As early as 200 BC. The Silk Road, which was the route for trade between the East and the West, was in use.

out of use 不再使用的 come into use开始被使用

be of use to (sb.)有用 be of no use ( to sb.) 无用

make use of =_make the most of = make the best of =make good/full use of =take advantage of

1)This technique is still in wide use_. 这一技术仍被广泛使用。

2)These dictionaries are of great use . 这些词典十分有用。

3)This method has come into wide use in this area. 这方法在这一地区已被广泛使用。

4. in return (for sth.) 作为(对…)的交换;作为(对…的)回报;作为回应

in turn(1)依次地,轮流的;(2)转而,反过来

1)He gave her some roses in return for her kindness 他送了她一些玫瑰以答谢她的好意。

2)I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return.

3)The students clean the classroom everyday in turn.

4)Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.

5. …and by AD 476, the Roman Empire was no more.

no more不再=not …any more

1)He promised to drink no more.

2)Time lost will return no more. =Time will not return any more.失去的时间不会再来。

once more/again 又一次,再一次 more or less 或多或少

no more than 仅仅,只有 (强调少) not more than 不比…多(强调客观事实)

6. likewise adv. 1. 同样地,相似的( in the same way; similarly) 2.也,亦,又(also)

1) I told him to watch me and do likewise. 我叫他仔细看着我,并且照样做。

2) I must go to bed now, and you likewise.


1. Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.

not only放在句首,后接从句时要用倒装结构,

1)Not only could he finish the homework on time, but also he helped some others.

2)Not only had he read the book,(他不但读过此书), but he remembered what he had read.

3)_Not only were the crops damaged, 不仅庄稼受到损坏),but also many people died.

Not only you but also I am angry with what he did.(be)

2.Fifteen years later (206 BC) the Qin Dynasty was overthrown, and the Han Dynasty was founded with Chang’an as its capital city.

此句中的with Chang’an as its capital city.是个with的复合结构,

即“with + 宾语+ 宾语补足语”,这一结构的宾语补足语常见的有n./adj./adv./to do /doing/done/prepositional phrase_等。

1) He was lying on the bed with clothes on(和衣)

2) With the boy to lead the way, we will find the house easily tomorrow.(lead)

3) With the boy leading the way, we found the house easily that day.(lead)

4) The earth, with water covering 70 percent of the surface, appeared like “a blue ball”.(cover)

5)-Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

--- Sorry. With so much work filling my mind, I almost break down.(fill)


1.Let us unite to fight poverty and disease.

2.Fascism had lawlessly overthrown the democratic government

3.These goods are in short supply; the price will be high.

4.These events led to the declaration of war and the United States declared war against Japan at last.

5.Napoleon called himself emperor of the French, which was the highest position in an empire.

6. There are some similarities between the two attacks.

7.You can avoid confusion by speaking clearly.

8.The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.


1.Not only __ give people relaxation and pleasure, but _ increase their knowledge of any kind.

A. can travel, it can B. travel can, can it C. can travel, can it D. travel can, it can

2. Experts say that the ____ the earthquake had ___ the children will last for a long time.

A. affect, on B. effect, in C. influence, on D. influence, in

3. We have enough grain while that country is rich in oil so we can receive oil ___ for grain.

A. in return B. in turn C. in fact D. in nature

4. The bridge built in 1994 needed to be rebuilt while Zhaozhou Bridge is still ______.

A. in use B. out of use C. come into use D. of no use

5. Because of the economic crisis, the company stopped trading ____ clothing.

A. for B. in C. with D. between

6.--You are always welcome at our house.

-- _________.

A. Me too B. So do I C. Likewise D. The same

7.With fewer and fewer farmers ___________ chickens, the price of eggs in the market _____.

A. rising, rised B. raising, raises C. rising, raises D. raising, rises

8.She was so angry and sad that she left and would come to the city ___.

A. no longer B. once more C. more or less D. no more

9. ___ speaking English every day, and you will surely improve your spoken English.

A. Practising B. Practise C. Practised D. Practises

10. –In 2008, Obama Was elected _____ president of the United States,____ forty-third one in American history.

A. the, / B. a, the C. the, a D. /, the