Seeing the doctor

发布时间:2016-8-6 编辑:互联网 手机版


教学内容 Lesson69 备课时间 Feb11 授课时间

总课时 4 本课为_1_课时 课型 New

教学目标 1.Master the skills of reading and writing. To develop students’ ability of listening and talking about “Seeing the doctor”.

2. 教学项目是“看病就医”(Seeing the doctor ),围绕这核心项目


3. 掌握有关Seeing the doctor 的习惯用语

4. 能灵活运用have to 重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和与must的区别。

任务分析 Lesson69 课中,第一部分设计了Jill 生病的一幅情景图,并配有一个短对话,引出Seeing the doctor 的动机。第二部分利用Puzzle dialogue形式把本单元重点话题自然地,以日常生活的活动形式呈现给学生。第三部分采用Look, say and write活动,自然地引出情态动词 have to的用法。

教学理念 CAI,Ss join the class and be the masters of the class


Step 1 Revision

1.Ask the students to talk about the picture.

1) Check the homework..

2.Take exercise做运动. Play games 做游戏 . 让学生相互之间做“Touch your nose”的游戏。Chant 读节奏诗. 老师可根据课文要求,编写与教学内容相符的小诗,歌曲等。从而引出对话

--Can you take exercise like me ?

--No, I can’t. I have a headache today.

--Can you play the game with me ?

--No, I can’t. I have a cold today. etc.


--Xiao Li can’t play games with us .Do you know why?

--I know he has a cold today。

(然后帮助学生认知have a headache / a cold /a cough 等习语)Ss watch the slides.(kejian)

3.让值日生创设情景,与Partner就前一单元课文 内容“Mr. Smile在家中举行Party”,进行自由问答,然后切入主题

--Did Kate go to the party ? --No, she didn’t.

--Why did she not go there ? --Because she was ill.

--What was wrong? --She had a cold . She had a cough and a headache.

--Oh ,I’m sorry to hear that .Is she better now? --Yes.---.

Step 2 Listen and act

1. SB Page16 Part1 Listening Cassette Lesson69. Let the students look at the questions before playing the tape. Listen to the tape and then answer this question:

1). What’s wrong with Jill? 2).She has a headache and a cough.

2. Let Ss read and act the dialogue

Step3 Learn and make a dialogue

1. Learn some phrases

what’s the trouble? Have a headache Catch a cold

Have a cough Have a fever What a terrible cough!

Feel like doing take one’s temperature have a pain in…

2. Complete the dialogue

Finish the dialogue between Jill and her doctor.

Doctor: What’s the matter?

Jill: This morning I had a pain in my head.

Doctor: How are you feeling now?

Jill: I’m feeling even worse.

Doctor: Let me take your temperature. it’s a cold. Nothing serious.

Jill: Really? But I don’t feel any better.

Doctor: Did you eat anything for breakfast?

Mother: No. She didn’t feel like eating anything.

Doctor: Well, take this medicine three times a day.

Have a good rest and drink more water.

Jill: Ok. Thank you.

Step 4 Look, say and write

Jill is sick. What does she have to do? (let Ss look at the pictures)

1. She has to ____________________. 2. She _________________________.

3. She _________________________. 4. She _________________________.

Complete the dialogue:

A: Where is Bill? I can’t find him. B: I don’t think he can _______________.

A: Why not? B: He has to _____________________.

A: What’s wrong _________________? B: She doesn’t feel _______________.

A: I’m sorry to____________. Did she go and _______________?

B: Yes. A: What did the doctor_________?

B: The doctor said _____________________________, but she has to rest.

Step5 Homework

1. Finish the workbook

2. Copy the phrases.

巩固练习设计 Write your English teacher a note asking for sick leave. The words will help you.

Dear Mr / Miss…,

I’m sorry to tell you that I’m not feeling well today._____________ _____



have a bad cold doctor told me to stay in bed for two days. can’t go to school today tomorrow hope get well very soon thank you



教学内容 Lesson 70 备课时间 Feb11 授课时间

总课时 4 本课为_2_课时 课型 New

教学目标 1.Master the skills of reading and writing.

2. To develop students’ ability of reading comprehension by reading the

text Dreams .

3. To encourage students to be brave enough to speak English more in class.

任务分析 Lesson 70 课中,阅读文章Dreams 是前一课对话内容的继续。男孩Roy老做梦,造成睡眠不佳,故前去看病就医。阅读前有两个问题供学生讨论,以便让学生思考在先,或带着问题去阅读。

教学理念 CAI


Step1 Lead-in (Pre-reading)

1. Story-telling 老师或学生进行story介绍,如Oh, boys and girls, there is something wrong with me ,too. I didn’t sleep well last night. Do you know why? 这时,学生会由于问题的提出而活跃起来,会七嘴八舌地进行猜测,然后老师向学生描述梦境,引出生词和词组 dream, fall asleep, wake up 等,为引出Roy的unhappy dream,激活了思维,扫清了语言障碍。

2.Picture-talking 利用多媒体,向学生展开画面,引导学生对dreams 进行讨论和评说。

-----What is he/she doing? -----He/She is sleeping.

-----What is he/she doing while he/she is asleep? -----He/She is dreaming.

-----Did he have a good dream or a terrible one? ---.

在引出生字dream 后,帮助学生就做梦与身体健康之间的关系,进行讨论,在热烈的气氛中,自然地过渡到课文Dreams的学习上。

------Do you sleep well every night? ---------Do you often have dreams?

------Do you remember your nicest/worst dream?

Step2 While-reading

1. let Ss read the text and try to fill in the form

How many dreams are there in the text? What are they? What did the doctor ask him to do?

1. He was busy panting the trees

in the garden.

2. He worked for hours to stop

the ship from going down.

3. He played the same piece

again and again. 1. To take some sleeping pills.

2. To try to relax.

3.To listen to music.

2. Read the text and do workbook

3. Explain some language points

1. I dream so much. (dream 动词) 我经常做梦。

sometimes dreaming is good for us.(dreaming 动名词)


I always dream about hard work! 我总是做梦辛勤的工作。

I dreamt that I went to the garden.(dream 的过去时 dreamt)我做梦我去了花园。

In my dreams I always have very difficult jobs to do.


(1) dream 梦(可数名词)

I had a dream last night. 注意用 a dream 我昨晚做了一个梦。

I never have dreams. 注意用 dreams 我从来不做梦。

(2)dream 做梦 (动词) 后面接“about"或“of"或“that”从句,


I sometimes dream about my grandfather. 我有时梦见我的祖父。

I sometimes dream that l am in the USA. 我有时梦见我在美国。

不能说 I sometimes dream to be in the USA.

(3)Sometimes dreaming is good for us.(dreaming 动名词,动名词含有动词特


Doing morning exercise is good for your health. 做早操对你的健康有益。

Smoking is bad for our health. 抽烟对我们的健康有害。

Getting up early is good for our bodies. 早起对我们的身体有益。

Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

2. Last night,as soon as l fell asleep,…

昨晚我一入睡,…… as soon as 一……就 (引导时间状语从句)

I will tell him as soon as he gets back.他一回来我就告诉他。


不能说:As soon as I will tell him,he gets back.

应该说:As soon as the rain stops,I will go hiking.雨一停我就去远足。

3.I fell asleep. 我睡着了。

fall asleep = go to sleep.入睡 be asleep = sleep 睡眠、睡着

go to bed 上床睡觉(就寝)

He sleeps from nine at night to five in the morning.他从晚上9点睡到早上5点。

I sleep for eight hours. 我睡8个小时。

通常不说 I slept at half past ten last night.

可以说 I went to sleep /fell asleep at half past ten last night.

通常不说 As he was very tired,he slept as soon as he sat down.

可以说 As he was very tired,he went to sleep/fell asleep as soon

as he sat down. 由于他很累了,他一坐下来就睡着了。

4,I dreamt that 1 was busy planting trees all night long.


be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

All the farmers are busy getting in the crops.所有的农民正忙于收割庄稼。

5.We had to work hours to stop the ship from going down.


stop…from 阻止……做……

We can’t stop him from coming. 我们不能阻止他来。

My mother stopped me from marrying her. 我母亲不让我和她结婚。

The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away.


It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south.


6.I always have very difficult jobs to do. 我总是有非常困难的工作要做。

job (可数名词) work(不可数名词)

a job = a piece of work to do (动词不定式)作定语修饰名词“jods"。

7.What about the sleeping pills I gave you?


I gave you 定语从句修饰名词“pills”。英语中作定语的短语或从句通常放在修饰的名词后面,汉语翻译时通常放在前面。

the woman in the shop the birds in the tree

商店里的妇女 树上的鸟

This is the man (that) I am waiting for.这正是我在等的人。

This is the school (that) we are studying at.这就是我们就读的学校。

The comrade (that) you want to see will come tomorrow,


The letter (that) I received yesterday was from my pen friend,


8. But if I don’t take one,I will be awake all night.



wake…up 把…… 唤醒,把……叫醒,把……吵醒。

The crying of the baby woke me up.婴儿的哭声把我吵醒了。

You should wake him up at 5:30.你应该在5点30分把他叫醒。

He woke to find himself in the hospital.他醒来,发现自己在医院里。

Is he awake or asleep? 他是醒着还是睡着了?

9. Did it work?药物有效吗?


My watch doesn’t work. 我的手表不走了。

He's working at a new invention.他正从事一项新的发明。

He's working at French. 他在学法语。 ,

10. … , we had to play the same piece again and again all night.


the same piece of music. music 不可数名词。What nice music!

again and again 一遍又一遍,一次又一次

Step3 Home work

1. Finish the workbook

2. Read the text and note –book.

巩固练习设计 Fill in the blanks with the words in the text:

1.I feel _______ this morning. The storm kept me _______ half the night.

2.“You work so hard!” my doctor told me. “ Try to _______ in the evening and go to bed early.”

3.The best time to ______ trees is in the spring.

4.They poured(倒)water out of the boat to ______ it from sinking.

5. The light music made me fall ______ quickly.

6. Don’t disturb me. I’m ______ doing my homework.

7. She ______ up three or four times a night when her baby was ill.

8. Your question is too _________. I can’t answer it, I’m afraid.

二.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

until after but if so before when and as soon as

1.I’ll go there by bike _____ it is fine tomorrow.

2.Last Sunday he didn’t wake up ______ 9 o’clock.

3.She went to the library yesterday, _____ didn’t borrow any books.

4.I’ll let you know _________ I have news from him.

5.The fans ran to the famous singer ____ give the flowers to him.

6.Jill was sick two days ago, ______ she didn’t come to school.

7.______ you leave home for the lab, please call me and I’ll go with you.

8._____ I heard the noise, I quickly telephoned the police.

9.______ we heard Samaranch say “Beijing”, we jumped up and shouted,

“We have won!”



教学内容 Lesson71 备课时间 Feb12 授课时间

总课时 4 本课为3_课时 课型 New

教学目标 1.掌握link verb的用法特点Grammar: link verb

2.To develop students’ ability of observation 、 imagination and creation.

3. To encourage students to be brave enough to speak English more in class.

任务分析 Lesson 71 课是语言训练课。第一部分是一段有关饮食与健康关系的短对话,同时也为学生提供了语言训练的样板。第二部分是以操练Link verb为宗旨的句型范例。第三部分是所学语言知识的自然延伸,向学生介绍二位世界著名医学界人士Nightingale和Bethune。

教学理念 CAI


Step1 Lead-in

1. Revise the phrases in L70

忙于做某事 再三地;一再地 不严重 一天三次 梦见 试图做某事

一次可怕的暴风雨 整晚 一……就 种树 醒来;唤醒 .(患)头疼 吃药

对……有益 阻止……做某事 睡觉,入睡 (患)咳嗽 量体温

2. Stick figures 采用简笔画手法,来引出新语言点link verb 的用法。如教师可利用这些简笔画,引导学生对图画进行讨论


-----What is he/she like today?-----Is he/she happy or unhappy?

-----Do you know why he/she looks happy/unhappy? etc.

Step2. Talking about the pictures

ice cream cheese taste/terrible sweet angry beautiful hard

1. Ask the students to talk about the picture. Using the link.verb

2. Let Ss read the dialogue then explain some points

1)“too much” 修饰不可数名词, 意为“太多”

There is too much snow this year.

“much too” 修饰形容词和副词, 意为 “太,非常”。

You are much too kind to me.

I have __________ work to do. The old woman walked ______slow.

2) have to 表示客观需要,意为“必须,不得不”。它有人称和数的变化。

must 表示说话人的主观看法,意为“应该,一定要,必须”。适用于所有


1)The bus is late. So I ________ wait. 2) We ________ study English well.

3)Jill _______ stay in bed when she is ill.

4) ___ You ____ stop eating cakes? No,I __________, but I ____eat less of it.

3. Summer the link.verb

Step3 read and talk

1. look the picture and listen to the tape, answer the following questions

1) When and where was Nightingale born ?

2) Was she from a poor family?

3) What did she do ?

1) Where was Norman Bethune born?

2) When did he come to China?

3) Was he very popular in China then?

2. Talk about LuXun

LuXun(1881---1936)Zhejiang Shaoxing A great writer and thinker

Step4 Homework

Finish the workbook

巩固练习设计 用have to 或must 填空:

1. It’s getting dark. We go back.

2. Mary is sick. She see a doctor.

3. As a student I study hard for our country.

4. You needn’t send for the doctor. We can also say “You send for the doctor.



教学内容 Lesson 72 备课时间 Feb12 授课时间

总课时 4 本课为_4_课时 课型 New

教学目标 1.Master the skills of reading and writing.

2.Self-preservation To develop students’ ability of observation、 imagination

and creation.

3.To encourage students to keep health in order to serve the people and their country in the future.

任务分析 Lesson72课是综合练习课,它包括了围绕着Seeing the doctor的功能话题 的听力练习、句型操练、对话复习及写作示范,以巩固学生对本单元的核心话题Seeing the doctor的记忆与理解。

教学理念 CAI


Step1 Lead-in

1. Discuss Have a quiz 做讨论题。包括饮食,休息,锻炼,健康等一些常识性问题,来吸引学生的兴趣与注意,激发他们敢于质疑,大胆解疑,以引导学生通过积极投入语言实践,逐步向新材料逼近

Do you like eating ……..? Is eating too much…..good or bad for our health?

If you feel very tired, what should you do? …….

2. Revise the link.verb Make sentences:

She looked tired, but she soon felt better.

He always seems very quiet. but sometimes he makes trouble.

He wanted to be a great singer. but he become a doctor instead.

She looks like her sister. but she’s much younger.

This dress is a bit old. but it still looks nice on you.

Step2 Pre-reading

1. Show a picture and let Ss discuss it

2. If someone is too fat, he/she may have problems.

Can you help them to become thinner.

a) To stop eating (too much) rich food

b) To take more/enough exercise

c) To eat less

Step3 While-reading

1. Listen to the tape and answer the question(watch the vcd)

What’s wrong with Mrs Brown?

2. Read the dialogue and try to finish the form

Mrs Brown’s problem Advices the doctor gave

1. feel sick,feel weak and tired. Yesterday she planted some flowers in the garden . She had to sit down and rest every five minutes.

2.Too fat less food ,can’t eat rich food

2. take more exercise

3. have one apple, one orange, some dry bread and a glass of milk instead of meals

3. Let Ss read the text and try to act it out.

Step4 After-reading

1. 话题(topic):“How to correctly arrange your three meals a day?”

2. Topic: Why so many fat children in our country now?

3. Topic : Why so many students who have poor eye-sight today?

Step5 Homework

1. Write a short passage about How to keep healthy?

2. Finish the workbook

巩固练习设计 A.Complete the sentences with instead or instead of.

1.Linda can’t go to the library with us. Let’s ask Lisa ______.

2.The doctor told Mrs Brown to eat fruit _________ sweets.

3.Last summer Lily’s uncle went to Paris. This summer he’s going to New York ______.

4.I don’t like milk, give me some orange juice _______.

5.My mother is ill. I’ll go shopping and do the housework __________ her.

6.We are going to have our trip Friday _________ Sunday.

B Complete the dialogue:

D: What’s the _______, young lady?

W: I feel very weak. I cannot do any work doctor.

D: Do you _______________? W: No, I don’t have a headache.

D: ______________ at night? W: Yes, I sleep very well.

D: Do you ______________ every morning?

W: No, I don’t have breakfast. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper ______ I want to keep _______.

D: Oh, I see. There’s nothing _______. You need to eat _________ food and have _______ meals a day. And do some ______ every day. Then you’ll get better soon.

C Fill in the blanks with of, off, in, on, or around.

This is the doctor’s waiting room. It’s full ___ people. They are waiting to see the doctor. One boy has his arm ______ plasters (石膏) and he is trying to take ______ his coat. A man has a bandage(绷带)______ his head, a girl is holding a handkerchief ____ front ____ her nose. A big boy with a bandage ______ his finger is opening the door _____ the doctor’s room.
