Unit 1 That must be a record!

发布时间:2017-12-22 编辑:互联网 手机版

Language focus.

1. conclude vt.

conclude that….

conclusion n.

come to the conclusion that... 所得结论是..., 断定

draw the conclusion得出结论,推断

leap / jump to a conclusion

冒然断定, 过早下结论

in conclusion = lastly 最后,总之

eg: In conclusion I’ d like to say that you did it very well.

2. set sth. down 写下来

eg: Why don’t you set your idea down on paper?

set sb. down 停车让人下车

eg: The bus stopped to set down an old lady.

I’ll set you down on the corner of the street.

3. keep track of sb./ sth.

eg: It’s hard to keep track of all one’s old school friends.

lose track of

eg: lose track of time


4. balance

n. 天平

eg: Have you brought something to weigh the flesh? A balance?


eg: balance of nature

keep/lose one’s balance


eg: All the parts of the building are in perfect balance.


eg: I must check my bank balance.

v. 使……保持平衡

eg: How long can you balance on one foot?


eg: balance an account / one’s books 结帐


eg: This year’s profits will balance our previous losses.

5. stand out明显;醒目

突出;杰出 ; 坚持;支撑


to stand out a crisis挨过危机

Stand still ! 站住,不许动!

stand by 在场;靠近; 袖手旁观

(无线 电台或军事方面)待命,准备行动 ; 试图援助;极力支持



to stand by one's promise


stand down退出竞选;离开证人席

stand for代表,表示;意指;象征


stand in当替身;代替

stand up耐久;耐用; 成立

eg: Will the charge stand up in court?


stand up for


5. next to

1) 在……旁边

He lives next to me.

2) 跟在……之后

Next to skiing her favorite sport was ice-hockey.


3) 几乎,近于

next to impossible 几乎不可能

next to last 倒数第二

6. Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.

As 引导让步状语从句(部分倒装)

Impressive as the record is = Though the record is impressive



Angry as he was, he listened to me patiently.


The air was cold, bright as the sun was.

7. set a record

achieve one’s goal

8. in a row 连续, 一连串

in rows 成行, 成排

eg: China women volleyball team won five champions in a row in the 1980s.

They planted the trees in rows.

8. in the first place首先, 第一点

in the last place最后

in the next place其次, 第二点

in place of 代替, 用...而不用…

in places 在某些地方, 有几处

in one’s place

处于某人的位置, 为某人设身处地想一想

make place for 为...腾出地方, 让位于

take one's place

就座, 入座; 占有 地位;代替某人; 接替某人的位置

take the place of 代替

take place发生, 举行

The darkest place is under the candlestick. [谚]


There is no place like home. [谚]

作客固佳, 在家更好; 在家千日好, 出门一时难。

9. make for 可造成,可成为,有好处

eg: The large print makes for easier reading.



Does early rising make for good health?

9. head 前往;朝向

更常用 head for

eg: When I saw the car heading for me, I stepped aside.

Clouds are gathering. I think we’d better head for the hotel in case it starts to rain.

11. a dozen of 一打, 十二个

a dozen (of) eggs

但 a dozen of those apples

a dozen of them

二十四 two dozen (of)

三十六 three dozen (of)

eg: I’ve bought a dozen of pencils for my son.

I want four dozen (of) eggs.

dozens of 许多

several / a few / some dozens of

by the dozen 按打,以打计算

in dozens 成打地

12. center on集中于; 把某人/物当作重点

eg: 这次会议的中心议题是关于中国足球未来十年的发展。

The topic of the meeting centered on the development of China’s football in the following ten years.

13.concentrate on 专注于

eg: 走钢丝时,你要集中精力于身体在空中的移动方式。

When walking on a high wire, you should concentrate on the way your body moves in the air.

14. burst into cheers


burst into + n.

burst out + doing

eg: burst into tears

burst out crying

burst into laughter

key to the exercises:

P5 ex.2

A-5 B-- 2 C-- 1 D-4

E-6 F-3


1. 1-D 2-- E 3-- A

4-- F 5-- B 6-G

7-C 8-H

2. 1) fade 2) apply for

3) suitable 4) athletic

5) inspect

6) announced

7) certificate

8) confirm

9) in the first place

10) opportunities

p 6 ex.2

2. 1-B 2-H 3-F 4 – D

5-E 6-G 7-- A 8-I


P147 EX.2

v. n.

achieve achievement

permit permission

conclude conclusion

administrate administration

concentrate concentration

equip equipment

argue argument

adj. n.

long length

wide width

high height

popular popularity

curious curiosity

probable probability

familiar familiarity

adj. adv.

tight tightly

gradual gradually

enthusiastic enthusiastically

skilful skillfully

recent recently

energetic energetically

p147 ex. 4

1) inspected 2) familiar

3) faded 4) fascinated

5) recently 6) athletic

7) cautious 8) suitable

9) attempt 10) hired

11) delight 12) truly

p148 Translation

1. When walking on a high wire, you should concentrate on the way your body moves in the air.

2. Set down all the suggestions and write to the Beijing Olympic.zuowen.c321.cnmittee.

3. The latest edition of the Guinness Brewery has been a best seller three weeks in a row.

4. The performances of the skateboarders were wonderful and the audience couldn’t help bursting into cheers.

5. The topic of the meeting centered on the development of China’s football in the following ten years.

6. I don’t know why my grandparents were against my having extreme sports in the first place.