Unit 3 Australia

发布时间:2017-12-10 编辑:互联网 手机版

Ⅰ.Words and Phrases

valley,beyond,fix up L.9 Four


rather than L.10

camp,ash,dirt,cave,thirst L.9



faith,elder,curiously,starve,thus L.10

birth,give birth to,precious,fence,task,outdoors,shave,

argue L.11

ashtray,Bonny,kangaroo,sunburnt L.9



aborigines,Kooris,system,spiritual,hand down,

underground,percentage L.10

koala,Alaska,dingo,round up L.11

Italy,Italian L.12

Ⅱ.Everyday English

Be careful!

Don't throw your cigarette out of the window.

You mustn't smoke while you are walking around in the bush either.

Look out!

Don't tie it to that old branch.

Take care.


Learn the usages of the v.-ing Form as Object Complement and Adverbial.

Ⅳ.Language Use

Using the learned language, teachers and students should complete the tasks of listening, speaking and writing in the textbook and the workbook. Reading texts “The Discovery of Australia” and “Australia” should be exactly understood. Students should understand the discovery of Australia, the history, geography and local customs in Australia.

Ⅴ.Teaching Time: Five periods

Background Information

Something about Australia

Australia, officially called Commonwealth of Australia, is the smallest continent and one of the largest countries on earth, lying between the Pacific and Indian Oceans in the Southern Hemisphere(半球). It has an area of 7.7 million square km and a population of nearly 19 million. The principal religion is Christianity, with Roman Catholics and Anglicans(英国国教) predominating (占主要地位). The capital is Canberra, a beautiful gardened city.

Australia is separated from Indonesia to the northwest by the Timor and the Arafura seas; from Papua New Guinea to the northeast by the Torres Strait; from the Coral Sea Islands Territory (in the Coral Sea), also to the northeast, by the Great Barrier Reef; from New Zealand to the southeast by the Tasman Sea; and from Antarctica to the south by the Indian Ocean.

Until the late 20th century the Australian population was remarkably homogeneous (同种族的) , as a result of a previous policy of restricting non-European immigration. The restrictive policies were gradually abandoned in the 1960s and 1970s,and there has been much immigration from areas outside of Europe, particularly from Asia.

Australia has been inhabited(居住)by Aborigines(土著)for at least 40 000-and perhaps as many as 60 000 years. They immigrated from Southeast Asia, and estimates of the size of the Aboriginal population at the time of European settlement in 1788 range from 300 000 to more than 1 000 000. There is some evidence of a Chinese Landing at the site of Darwin in 1432, and Makasarese seamen(印尼望加锡渔民) began to fish the waters off Arnhem Land sometime before the 18th century. Widespread European know the knowledge of Australia, however, began only with the explorations of the 17th century.

The Dutch landed in Australia in 1616 and, under such notable seamen as Abel Tasman continued their explorations until 1644, when Australia became known as New Holland. The British arrived in 1688 under William Dampier, but they did not launch a large-scale expedition until James Cook's historic voyage of 1770 that resulted in Britain's claim to Australia and formal possession of New South Wales with the establishment of the small colony of Sydney Cove within Port Jackson(1788).From the outset, British immigrants(移民)were transported to the colony.

Tasmania, the next settlement, received settlers, from Sydney as early as 1803, and colonists arrived in Western Australia in 1827. By 1859 the colonial nuclei(核心)of all of Australia's six states had been formed.

Since World War Ⅱ Australia has assumed a leading role in Asian and Pacific affairs. Although it experienced some setbacks, the Aboriginal movement grew in strength from the 1960s, and Aborigines succeeded in obtaining rights to some tribal lands. Environmentalists also began to exercise considerable political influence.

Because it's millions of years since Australia was separated from the other continents of the world-as a result of crustal movement(地壳运动), of course, many of the wild living things in this country are quite different from those in other parts across the globe. For example, it's the home of pouched mammals(有袋目哺乳动物)such as kangaroos and koalas. The koala, an animal looks like the bear but much smaller, lives on the leaves of eucalyptuses, also unique of Australia. There are many other living things characterists of(……特有的)Australia or Oceania- platpuses(鸭嘴兽), echidnas(针鼹),casuarinas(木麻黄树),etc.




Sydney, the capital of New South Wales(新南威尔士州), has a population of more than three million. It is not only Australia's oldest and largest city but also its chief manufacturing(生产) centre and business port(港口)as well as the largest centre for selling wool in the world.

Besides, Sydney is also a city with 30 golden beaches nearby. In sydney if you say you are going skiing, it often means water-skiing. If you are going to Kosciusko(科修斯科山), you are probably going snow-skiing.

The harbour of Sydney is spanned(跨越)by the famous arch bridge and over looked by dramatic new Sydney Opera House. The Opera House has great white curving(弧形的)roofs and is described as one of the great buildings in the 20th century.

There are old classic buildings in Sydney as well, such as James Church(圣詹姆斯教堂), Hyde Park Barracks(海得公园营房)and Parliament House(国会大厦).Of course there are also modern skyscrapers.

It is estimated(估计)that by the end of the 20th century there will be five million people living in the metropolition(大城市)complex along the coastline north and south of Sydney.





cloud(n.)-cloudy(adj.) wind(n.)-windy(adj.)

snow(n.)-snowy(adj.) rain(n.)-rainy(adj.)



danger-dangerous(危险的) humor-humorous(幽默的)

mountain-mountainous(多山的) poison-poisonous(有毒的)



Christ-Christian(基督教徒) music-musician(音乐家)

politics-politician(政治家) India-Indian(印度人)


[派生]percentage 百分率[规则]后缀-age构成“集合”“状态”的名词。如:

bag-baggage(行李) short-shortage(短缺)




(1) beyond (prep./adv.) (时间)超出


如:The house is beyond the bridge.房子在桥的那一边。

Don't stay out beyond 10 o'clock at night.晚上10点后不要在外面逗留。

Your works are beyond all praise.你的作品叫人赞扬不尽。


[填空]What he has done is ____________(出乎意料). (beyond expectation)


(2) fix up


如:They fixed up a simple operation table on one end of the room.


They are fixing up the light.他们正忙着装灯。

Can you fix up a meeting in a hotel? 你能在饭店安排一次会议吗?

You can ask your father to fix you up with a good bike.


intend…for 打算给……

(3) intend to do 打算做

intend sb.to do 打算让某人做

如:He intends to study abroad next year. 他打算明年到国外留学。

He intends his son to manage the company. 他打算让儿子经营公司。

The dictionary is intended for the children. 字典是给孩子用的。


(4) put out 发布新闻



如:You can put out cigarette in the ashtray.你可以在烟灰缸把香烟捏掉。

Be sure to put the light out before you go away.你离开前务必将灯关掉。

The publishing house put out 80 new books last year.那家出版社去年出版了80本新书。

From then on the Romans began to put out a great variety of coins.


He put out his hands to take mine.他伸出手来拉我的手。

The government will put out a new statement next week.政府将在下周宣布一项新声明。

depend on/upon 依靠、取决于


That(all)depends/It(all)depends 视情况而定

如:You can never depend on your parents.你不能永远依靠父母。

I may help you,but that depends.我也许会帮你,但得视情况而定。



如:I found a place suitable for the party.我找到了一个适于聚会的地方。

Do you think this style suits me?你觉得这种款式适合我吗?

These shoes don't fit me.这鞋我穿不合适。

The new manager isn't fit for his position.新经理不胜任这项工作。

切记:(sth.)fit sb.某人穿……合适


[改错]His great height fited him for team games last year.(fited→fitted)




如:After class, the students prefer outdoor sports.下课后,学生们喜欢户外运动。

Children usually prefer playing outdoors.孩子通常喜欢在户外玩。

give birth to 生产、生下


be born 出生

如:His wife gave birth to a son.

The town gave birth to great men.

She was born on May 2nd.

He was borne by Eve.

小结:give birth to 其主语为雌性,其宾语一般为牲畜或婴儿。也可用比喻意义。

be born其主语是人或动物。也可用引申义。如跟有by短语则用borne。


[改错]On a rainy day,she was born by her poor mother.(born→borne)

如:His elder brother is a PLA man.他哥哥是解放军战士。

He is my elder by several years.他大我几岁。

The elders handed down the customs.长辈们把风俗传了下来。


[填空]She is three years ____________ than my _____________ sister. (older, elder)


(1)go camping 去露营


go boating 去划船

go cycling 去骑自行车

go hunting 去打猎

go farming 去务农

go soldiering 从军

go nursing 当护士

go climbing 去爬山

go riding 去骑自行车

go teaching 从教

go dancing 去跳舞


(2)hand down传下来


hand in(上交)

hand out(分发)

in hand(手里的)

by hand(用手做)

hand over(移交)

hand back(交还)

on the other hand(另一方面)

at hand(在手边的,即将到来的)

如:I always keep a dictionary at hand.我常把字典放在手边。

Her sweater is knitted by hand.她的毛衣是用手打的。

Money in hand is not enough,so you can't buy the computer.


(3)curiously 好奇地

联想curiously 得到:

如:Children are naturally curious about everything around them.


I'm curious to know what is written in his letter.我极想知道他信中写了什么。

It's curious that he should have failed to win the race.他没赢得比赛真奇怪。

Curiously enough,he seems to have known what we should do next.


注意:It is curious that…从句用虚拟语气。

公式为:should do(should可以省略)

(4) catch sb.doing 碰上某人做某事

be/get caught in 被……围困

catch up with 赶上


catch hold of 抓住

catch one's attention 吸引某人的注意

如:The girl was caught stealing the apples.这个小女孩在偷苹果时被当场抓住。

He was caught in the storm on his way to school.他在上学的路上遇上了暴风雨。

(5)keep out 不让……进来


keep up 维持、保持

keep off 避开

keep in mind 记住

keep on doing 反复不断做

keep pets 养宠物

keep back 抑制(情感)

keep away from 远离

keep up with 赶上

如:The trees keep out the wind.这些树可以挡风。

Keep off the grass.勿踏入草地。

The heavy rain kept them from going out.因为下大雨,他们没能出去。

I'm glad you're keeping up your studies.我很高兴你在坚持学习。


They try to keep ________________ the same speed.

A.out B.up


the remaining language 相当于the language left

(6) 不及物动词,剩余、留下



如:The children ate and ate until no food remained on the table.


The problem remained unsettled.这个问题仍旧未解决。


小结:remain 用作系动词时译为“仍然”


rather than的几种用法

 1) rather than此处是介词短语,意思是"与其"、"不是",相当于instead of。如:

 I think you, rather than Mary, is to be punished.我认为该受惩罚的是你,而不是玛丽。

 Rather than fish, we'll have fried eggs and meat for lunch.


 The colour seems green rather than blue.这颜色看上去是绿的,而不是蓝的。

 I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute.


 I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我要喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。

 2)rather than可以和would连用,如would rather…than…或would…rather than…这时要注意"平?quot;问题,即其前后必须用相同的语法单位。如:

 I'd rather have the red one than(have)the green one. 我宁愿要红的,不愿要绿的。

 I'd take the slowest train rather than go there by air.


 He would rather walk than drive. 他宁愿步行不愿开车。

 I'd prefer to go in August rather than in July. 我愿八月去,不愿七月去。

 I'd call her hair chestnut rather than brown. 我宁愿说她的头发是栗色,而不是棕色。

 【注意】I'd rather +动词原形,通常意为"我宁愿……",相当于"I'd prefer to…",具有选择意义,即"宁愿做……不愿做"。但是,当后接动词like, enjoy, appreciate时,rather是一个程度副词,象quite和fairly一样无选择意义,所以I'd rather like不是"我宁愿喜欢",而是"我相当(很)喜欢"。试比较下列句子:

 ①"I'd rather like a cup of coffee." "Oh, would you? I'd rather have a beer. "


 ②We would rather appreciate your help. 我们非常感谢你的帮助。

 ③Which would you rather have, tea or coffee? 你更愿意喝什么,茶还是咖啡?

 ④He would rather enjoy seeing a film on Sundays. 他很喜欢在星期天看场电影。

 3)在would rather前后可用不同的主语来表示某人宁愿让另一个人做某事,这时,一般用过去时来表示现在或将来要做的事。如:

 "Shall I open a window? ""I'd rather you didn't."


 Don't come tomorrow. I'd rather you came next weekend.


 I'd rather you told me the truth. 我宁愿你给我讲实话。

 I'd rather you went home now. 我愿意让你现在就回家。


 I'd rather you hadn't done that.我真希望你没做过那件事。

 I'd wish you had answered the question. 我真希望你回答了这个问题。

 I'd rather you hadn't done that. 我希望你没做过那件事。


(一)catch 高考常考动词之一,其主要用法如下:


(1)后接带现在分词的复合宾语:catch sb.doing sth.

e.g.She caught him smoking.ニ撞上他抽烟。

He caught some boys stealing flowers from the garden.ニ发现几个男孩在花园里偷花。


e.g.I caught the boy at it again.ノ矣肿采险夂⒆釉诟烧馐隆*

We shall catch them in the middle of their supper.ノ颐侨セ崤錾纤们吃晚饭。

2.撞上、碰上(多用于被动结构):be/get caught in…

e.g.The ship was caught in a hurricane.ツ撬掖遇上了飓风。

On my way home yesterday,I was caught in the rain.プ蛱煳以诨丶业耐局杏錾嫌炅恕*


e.g.They caught us before we reached town.ノ颐腔姑挥械酱锍抢铮他们就赶上我们了。

I want to catch the one-thirty train.ノ蚁肴ジ弦坏惆氲幕鸪怠*

I caught him by the arm.ノ易プ×怂的胳臂。

What?I didn't catch that(what you said).ナ裁矗课颐惶清楚。




e.g.I can't do it,and don't intend to.ノ也荒苷庋做,也不打算这样做。

Do you intend to make a long stay there?ツ愦蛩阍谀抢锎舫ぢ穑开


e.g.We don't intend doing it this year.ノ颐墙衲瓴淮蛩阏庋做。


e.g.He hadn't intended that we should all be there.ニ没有意思让我们都到那里。


e.g.Let's ask him what he intends us to do.ピ勖侨ノ饰仕打算让我们怎么办。

The building was intended to be a museum.フ庾建筑物本来是打算用作博物馆的。


e.g.They intended no harm.ニ们没有恶意。

2.intend…for… 打算给某人……,打算使……成为……

e.g.They intended the chair for you,but she took it away.


This gift is intended for Xiao Hong.フ饫裎锸亲急父小红的。

(三)fix up的用法归纳


e.g.Please fix up time for an interview.デ氚才藕靡桓黾面的时间。

We'll fix him up in the hotel.ノ颐墙把他安排在那个宾馆。


e.g.He is fixing up the broken chair.ニ在修理那个破椅子。


e.g.That night we fixed up a bamboo bed for him in the front room.



e.g.We have fixed up the matter now.フ馐孪衷谖颐且丫解决了。

(四)round up的用法

round up 聚集、召集,相当于:gather together,可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。

e.g.They rounded up at the school gate.ニ们在校门口集合。

I rounded up a lot of students to help me.ノ艺偌了好多学生来帮我的忙。

(五)rather than的用法


e.g.He is a doctor rather than a worker.ニ是医生而不是一名工人。

She is honest rather than clever.ビ肫渌邓聪明,还不如说她老实。


e.g.Tom,rather than you,is to blame.ジ檬茉鸨傅氖翘滥罚而不是你。

(2)would rather…than…/would…rather than…

e.g.I would take the train rather than go there by bus.

=I would rather take the train than go there by bus.我宁愿乘火车也不愿坐公共汽车去那儿.

(3)rather…than otherwise 不是别的,而是

e.g.It is rather cold than otherwise.ヌ旎故峭冷的。


1.be born,give birth to

(1)sb.be born in/on/at/of/from… 出生于……

e.g.She was born in a city. 她出生在一个城市里。

The boy was born of/in/from/into a poor peasant family.


(2)be born+n. 生来就是,天生就是……

e.g.No one is born a teacher.ッ挥腥松来就是老师。

(3)give birth to 生,产生

e.g.She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.ニ生了一个漂亮健康的宝宝。

The Chinese nation has given birth to many heroes.ブ谢民族涌现了许多英雄。

2.older, elder


e.g.My elder brother is five years older than I.ノ腋绺绫任掖5岁。

This table is much older than that one.フ庹抛雷颖饶钦啪伞*



e.g.He often sleeps outdoors in summer.ハ奶焖常在室外睡。

We need more outdoor exercise.ノ颐切枰更多的户外活动。


1.Good health depends,of course,________________a number of factors.

A.to B.upon C.for D.with

2.I'd like the red silk dress ________________ that black one if you let me choose.

A.and not B.rather than C.more than D.than

3.We put a fence ________________ the vegetable to keep the chickens ________________.

A.round;in B.around;out C.over;out D.on;in

4.-Do you regret paying so much money for the book?

-No,I would gladly pay ________________ for it.

A.three times as many B.three times so much

C.three times as much D.three as much time

5.-Did they receive you well?

-Yes,they ________________ in a good hotel.

A.fixed up us B.fixed us up C.gave us up D.put up us

6.-Is there any present for me?

-Of course.This book ________________ you.

A.is given for B.is to be given for C.is intended for D.is intended to

7.The cowboy________________ the cattle that ________________ eating the grass here and there.

A.drove up;was B.picked up;were C.rounded up;was D.rounded up;were

8.-Where shall we ________________ tonight?

-I think the clearing near the river is a good place.

A.camp B.stay C.live D.sleep

9.The ________________ diamond is ________________.

A.valuable;curious-shaped B.valuable,curious-shaping

C.precious;curiously-shaped D.precious;curiously-shaping

10.Australia ______ almost one third of the world's sheep.Cattle are also ____,fruit and vegetables are ______ in it.

A.produces;kept;grown B.keeps;grown;produced

C.grows;produced;kept D.produces;grown;kept

11.The peasants ________________ the majority of the population in China.

A.are make from B.make up C.make up of D.are make of

12.One strange animal ______eggs,yet feed its young ________ its milk.

A.lay;on B.lays;on C.laid;with D.laid;on

13.He would take the slowest train ________________ by air.

A.rather than going B.rather than go C.rather go D.prefer to go

14.The students in Class Two are planning ________________ in the summer holidays.

A.going camp B.going to camp C.to go camp D.to go camping

15.What is ________ price to one person ______ worthless to another.

A.behind;maybe B.behind;may be C.beyond;maybe D.beyond;may be

16.The soldier rushed into the railway station ________________.

A.with a gun in hand B.with gun in hand

C.gun in hands D.gun in hand

17.-I'd like to go to the cinema with you,Dad.

-Sorry,but the film is ________________ for adults.

A.admitted B.intended C.promised D.permitted

18.Twelve of the students gave performances,and the ______ ones served as the audience.

A.left B.rest C.remained D.remaining

19.No dictionary can _________ all the English idioms.

A.cover B.tell C.say D.show

20.The painting looks better if seen ________________ distance.

A.in a B.in the C.at a D.at the

1.B depend upon/on 取决于。 2.B rather than 而非。

3.B keep the chickens out 不让鸡进来。 4.C 省略句。 5.B fix up 安排住宿。

6.C be intended for 意指。 7.D round up 赶拢,cattle 是集合名词。

8.A 9.C 10.A 11.B make up 构成 12.B

13.B go与take 构成平衡结构。 14.D plan to do 计划做某事;go camping 去露营。

15.D 16.D gun in hand 相当于with a gun in his hand 17.B

18.D the remaining ones 相当于the ones left 19.A 20.C at a distance 隔有一段距离。







One day I found a boy playing on the track.


Having cleaned the desk,we began reading.





He was waiting for the sleeping boy.

Do you know the man sitting over there?

切记:having done 分词的完成时永远不能作定语。

[误]Do you know anyone having told lies?

[正]Do you know anyone who has told lies?


如:The story that I read yesterday is very touching.


I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.






I feel my heart feeling fast.(强调动作正在进行)

Did you hear anyone come in?(强调动作的全过程)



Working in the factory, we learned a lot from the workers.(时间状语)

Being too old, he couldn't walk that far.(原因状语)

Standing on the building,you can see the whole city.(条件状语)

Being young, he knows a lot.(让步状语)

Many trees had been blown down by the high winds, blocking roads.(结果状语)

One woman was lying in bed, awake, listening to the rushing wind.(伴随状语)






generally speaking(一般的来说) strictly speaking(严格的来说)

roughly speaking(粗略的来说) judging from(由……来看)

如:Generally speaking,newspaper follows the American way.

Judging from his accent,he must be from Shanghai.



After I had put down my newspaper,I walked over to the window and looked out.


When leaving the airport,they waved again and again.


Weather permitting,we'll go to the Great Wall.



①表示时间 如:The work finished,they left the room.=After the work was finished,…


如:It being a rainy day,Kate wore her new raincoat=Because it was a rainy day,…

③表示条件 如:Weather permitting,we'll visit the Great Wall.=If weather permits,…


如:The family started on their way,children running and jumping in front.


①名词(代词)+不定式或分词 如:The clock having struck 12, I went to bed.

注意:being\,having been的省略:being\,having been在名词作逻辑主语的独立结构中可以省略。如:Class(being)over, we began to have a break.

His work(having been)finished, he went home.

但代词作逻辑主语时,being\,having been不可省略。如:

They being our friends,we should help them.


[改错]He stood there with his eyes fixing on the ground.(fixing→fixed)

It fine, we went out for a walk.(fine前加being)

②名词(代词)+形容词/副词/介词词组 Summer over, students returned to school.


With his mother out,he failed to do his homework.


在“名词+介词短语”的独立结构中,如果逻辑主语与介词短语中的名词都是单数名词,在这些名词前习惯上不用冠词。如:The teacher came in,with a book in his hand(book in hand.)


[改错]The man was sitting over there,a pipe in mouth.(去掉a)


1.The professor came into the lab,________________ by his assistant.

A.following B.followed C.being followed D.to follow

2.With trees,flowers and grass __________ everywhere my town has taken on a new look.

A.planting B.planted C.to plant D.to be planted

3.Weather ________________,we'll go fishing tomorrow morning.

A.is permitting B.permits C.permitting D.permitted

4.The key ________________,I couldn't enter the office.

A.was lost B.having been lost C.be lost D.being lost

5._______not enough money,I couldn't buy the dictionary.

A.It being B.It was C.There being D.There was

6.________________,the boy could't enter his house.

A.Since the key has lost B.The key was lost

C.Lost the key D.Having lost the key

7.If ________________ ill,I'll stay home ________________ a good rest.

A.to fall;taking B.fall;to taking C.falling;taking D.falling;take

8.A letter has been written to him,________________ him to the party.

A.invite B.to invite C.invited D.inviting

9.Not ________________ it right,he was encouraged to try again.

A.did B.done C.to do D.having done

10.________________ your head,and you'll see the sun ________________ now.

A.Raise;rising B.Raise;raising C.To raise;rising D.Lift;being risen

11.________________ from his clothes,he is not so poor.

A.Judged B.Judging C.To judge D.Having judged

12.________________ now pretty late,we took candles and went upstairs.

A.Being B.to be C.For being D.It being

13.European football is played in 80 countries, ____ it the most popular sport in the world.

A.making B.makes C.made D.to make

14.________________ a reply,he decided to write again.

A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not having received D.Having not received

15.Mother ________________ the child had to live alone.

A.dying B.died C.having died D.dead

16.All the people,________________ the wounded,were brought to safty.

A.included B.including C.include D.to include

17.All the people,the wounded ________________ were brought to safety.

A.included B.including C.include D.to include

18.On my way home,I saw a thief ________________ money from a lady by police.

A.being caught B.having caught C.caught stealing D.have caught to steal

19.He stepped into his room,____ ______ a lot of things _______.

A.finding;robbed B.finding;stolen C.found;missed D.to find;robbed

20._____ ___ up at his father,he asked what was the matter with him?

A.Having looked B.Looking C.To look D.Look

1.B followed by his assistant 被助手跟随。2.B planted 表示动作完成。

3.C 独立主格结构。4.B 独立主格结构。5.C 独立主格结构。

6.D 现在分词作状语,the boy 是动作的执行者。

7.C 8.D 9.D 分词作状语。10.A 祈使句+and… 11.B judging from 是独立结构。

12.D 句子意为:天已黑,我们拿着蜡烛上楼。 13.A

14.C receive 发生在decide之前,所以用完成时;not+doing 构成分词的否定式。

15.B 16.B 17.A 18.C catch the thief stealing

19.B steal a lot of things,不可说rob sth., rob sb.of sth.是正确的。 20.B


1.(2000上海)__in 1636,Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.

A.Being founded B.It was foundedC.Founded D.Founding

简析:选C。founded既表示了Harvard的被动(被创建),又表示动作发生在过去(in 1636)。

2.(2000上海)The ________boy was last seen________near the East Lake.

A.missing;playing B.missing;playC.missed;played D.missed;to play


3.(2001上海)The bell________the end of the period rang,________our heated discussion.

A.indicating;interrupting B.indicated;interrupting

C.indicating;interrupted D.indicated;interrupted


4.(2001高考题)___such heavy pollution already,it may now be too late to clean up the river.

A.Having suffered B.SufferingC.To suffer D.Suffered
