初三Units 1-6 回首拾萃

发布时间:2016-7-12 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. leave for 意为"动身到某处",其后接目的地;leave 意为"离开某地",其后接出发地。


I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. 我准备明天动身去上海。

Please tell me when you leave the hotel. 你离开宾馆时请告诉我一声。

Mr Bruce left London for Paris last night. 布鲁斯先生昨晚离开伦敦去了巴黎。

2. be famous for... 以......而闻名; be famous as... 以......(身份)而著名;be famous to... 为某人所熟知。如:

New York is famous for its skyscrapers. 纽约以其摩天大楼驰名。

Beckham is famous to everyone as a good football player. 大家都知道贝克汉姆是一名优秀的足球运动员。

3. hope后面可接不定式或宾语从句,所希望的事实现的可能性很大。如:

I hope to be a teacher. 我希望当一名教师。

I hope you will come back early. 我希望你早点回来。

wish除了接不定式外,还可接"名词/代词+不定式"结构, 所希望的事大体上可以实现。如:

I wish you to be happy. 我希望你快乐。


I wish I could travel around the world one day. 我希望有一天我可以环球旅行。

I wish I could fly to the moon. 我希望我可以飞到月球上去。

4. 对某事进行肯定猜测用must。如:

He must be your brother,isn't he? 他一定是你兄弟,对吧?


Mr Li can't be in the office now. 李老师现在不可能在办公室。

5. too much 意为"太多",常修饰不可数名词,修饰可数名词用too many;而much too 意为"太;很",用来修饰形容词或副词。试比较:

You are eating too much meat. 你吃肉太多。

This box is much too heavy. 这箱子太重了。