SEFCB1 lesson30

发布时间:2016-1-10 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson 30

Teaching Aims:

1. Use the following words and phrases correctly

Four skills: corn, discover, room, prepare, boil, butter, a number of, ship (v.) fresh

2. Help the students to achieve a good

comprehension of the text.

3. Revise the Attributive Clause.

Teaching Important Points:

1. The usage of some verbs: discover. prepare, ship.

2. Explain some difficult sentences in the text.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The usage of the verbs: discover, prepare, and ship.

Teaching Methods:

1. Question - and - answer activity to help the students to go over the learned materials

2. Pair work to do some exercises.

3. Fast reading to find out the detailed information about the text.

Teaching Aids: 1. a tape recorder. 2. a projector

Teaching Procedures :

Step I . Greeting

Greet the whole class as usual .

Step II . Revision .

1. Check Ex. 2. Lesson 29 in the Ss ' workbooks . Ask a pair of students to read and act out the dialogue. Then some more pairs of students are asked to make similar dialogues with the words and phrases in Ex.1.

2. Revise the new vocabulary in SB Lesson 29, using the pictures,

Step III. Presentation

1. Show the new words of Lesson 30 on. First ask a student to read aloud, correct the wrong pronunciation, and then ask the whole class to read together.

2. Ask the Ss some questions dealing with the passage.

T; What' s your favorite food?

S : Eggs / Tomatoes / Potatoes / Fish …

T: Do you like corn?

S: Yes,

T: Today we are going to read about corn and some other foods.

3. Read aloud the question at the top of the page: In which part of the world were the tomato, the potato and corn first discovered? Ten play the tape for the students to listen. After listening to the tape, ask a student to answer the question.

Answer to the question: In America.

Step IV. Reading

1. Wb, Lesson 30 Ex .1 First ask some students to read the questions. At the same time, they are required to put in the missing auxiliary verbs, Make sure the Ss understand the sentences,

Suggested answers:

1. was 2. did. 3. did . 4. do . 5. do . 6. was . 7. . do

2. Allow the students enough time to read the passage carefully and then answer the questions in the questionaire shown on the screen .

( The answer in the brackets won' t be shown on the screen until the Ss answer them .)

A Questionaire

When was the plant " corn " first discovered ? ( In 1492)

Where ( In America)

When did corn become important in China ? ( By 1555)

Why did people along the Changjiang River grow a lot of corn instead of rice in the 17th century ? ( The land was becoming very crowded .)

( Farmers had to move into the hills .)

( Rice need a lot of water while corn doesn' t )

How do people in the west eat corn ? ( They often boil it and eat it with salt and butter .)

How do the Chinese cook corn ? ( They make it into power . Then the powder is mixed with water and other things and made into different kinds of food .)

In which part of the world was the tomato first discovered ? (In America .)

What plants do you know went from Asia to Europe ? ( The seeds of fruit trees )

3. Wb , Lesson 30 . Ex . 2. Allow the Ss some minutes to finish this exercise . Tell them to choose the right answer for each sentence according to the passage . Finally check the answers with the whole class.

Suggested answers : 1. D . 2. A . 3. C. 4. C. 5. C .

Step V . Explanation

By doing the reading comprehension , the teacher makes sure that the Ss understand the meaning of the text in general , but some details and difficult language points need to be dealt with

( Show them on the screen .)

1 . Christopher Columbus : an Italian explorer ( 1451 -- 1506) who was the first European to find America in 1492. He landed in the West Indies on October 12th and believed that he had reached India .

2 . discover . vt. = find out , bring to view (sth , new or expected ) 发现, 发觉. It can be followed d by a noun or a pronoun . It is also followed by a clause .

e.g. Recently they discovered a comet .

We discovered that he was an enemy spy .

3 . There was not enough room . = There was not enough space .

4 . be prepared in many different ways .

Here " prepare " means " make ( into food , etc .)

e.g. He has found ways to prepare them in the form of small tablets .

She was skilled in preparing tasty dishes .

5 . You can cook it whole : You don' t need to break it into small pieces for cooking .

6 . an open fire : a fire that burns in the open air ,

7 . discovered the tomato ( = discovered tomatoes ) : " the " is used with a singular common noun like tomato , potato , to denote a kind of species .

8 . love apples : cannot be translated . There is no connection with love ; this was just a name given to a new variety of exotic vegetable .

9 . a number of = some

a large / great number of = a great many

10 . ship vt. ------ take , send , in a ship ; take , send , by train , road etc ,

用船运送, 以火车, 陆路等装运。

e.g. They shipped machines from Shanghai to Tianjin .

Will you ship the goods by train or by truck?

Step VI . Language focus

( There are a lot of sentences in which restrictive Attributives can be found . Tell the Ss to read the passage once again and find out these sentences .)

T : ( Write the sentence on the Bb : I don't like people who smoke a lot .) There is a restrictive Attributive Clause in this sentence . Will you please underline it , …

S : Yes . ( Underline " who smoke a lot " )

T : Very good. Go back to your seat , now please find out all the sentences in the text that contain restrictive Attributives . OK ?

S : Yes .

( Give the Ss some minutes to finish this task , then check the answers with the class. )

Suggested answers :

1. Corn is a useful plant that can be eaten by both people and animals .

2. They needed a plant which didn' t need as much water as rice .

3. It is a very useful plant that can be prepared in many different ways .

4. Corn was not the only food that was taken to Europe .

5. In 1519 another traveller who went to America from Europe discovered the tomato .

6. In the beginning , people who bought them often got angry .

7. The potato is another plant that was taken back by early travellers .

8. It can be grown in places where it is too cold to grow rice .

9. Early European travellers to China took back to their own countries the seeds of fruit trees that they had not seen before .

10. Today , fruit trees which once grew only in China can be found in many parts of the world .

( Show the sentences above on the screen , Underline all the attributives in these sentences .)

Step VII . Practice

Wb , Lesson 30 . Ex , 3 . Students are required to translate the sentences from English into Chinese . Tell them to pay more attention to the different word order of English and Chinese . The students are allowed to discuss the answers in pairs Finally check the answers with the class ,

Suggested answers :

1 , 玉米是一种人和牲畜都可以吃的有用的作物。

2 , 他们需要一种不需要很多水的作物。

3 , 买到西红柿的人常常会生气。

4 , 马铃薯是早期旅行家带回来的另一种作物。

5 , 马铃薯能在气候寒冷而种水稻的地方种植。

6 , 现在那些曾经只在中国生长的果树能够在世界许多地方看到了。

7 , 玉米, 马铃薯和西红柿是哥伦布和他的朋友在美洲首先发现的植物。

8 , 露西,别客气, 请吃鱼和鸡。

Step VIII . Sum up

1, Review the contents of the text

Tell the students to fill in the blanks with proper words .( Show the following passages on the screen .)


Today corn is found ______ _______ the world , it is a plant ________ does not need much water and it can be cooked _______ different way . Corn is often made ______ power . The _______ is mixed with water and _____ into different kinds of delicious food .

Corn was first ______ in America , It was _______ to Europe by some travellers in the fifteenth ______ , later , more plants like tomatoes , beans , potatoes _______ also found in America ,

Early _______ to China took back the seeds of fruit trees ________ grew only in China . Now the fruit trees can be ______ everywhere . And the fresh fruit is flown ________ one country to _____.

Suggested answers :

all over : which / that ; in into ; powder ; made ; discovered / found ; taken ; century ; were ; travellers ; which / that ; found ; from ; another

2. Sum up the important and difficult points in the text .

Step IX . Homework .

1. Remember the new vocabulary in Lesson 30 .

2. Read aloud the passage .

Step X . The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard


Lesson 30

Verbs : The Attributive Clause :

discover + n./pron I don' t like people

+ clause who smoke a lot .

prepare sth .

ship sth , ( by train / road )

Step XI . Record after teaching :