
发布时间:2016-9-21 编辑:互联网 手机版



下面以高一英语S B I A Lesson 50 Abraham Lincoln为例,具体介绍该课在教学中的实际情况。

一、 读

1、 引入Preparation for reading

本课文Abraham Lincoln是一篇人物传记,我启发学生在课前收集有关林肯的资料。请学生来简述其生平:

祁超(高一3学生):I know something abent Lincoln. He was the President of the USA.

师:Can you odd some information(指向另一学生--王宏元)

王宏元:he was the president of the USA fwm 1860 to 1864.

师:you did a good job, Thank you, and try your best to raise some quest'ons



林山树:What was Lincoln's greatest work?

王玲琳:Why was he killed?


Q1一颜曼:To build a free state for all the people.

Q2-张鑫:Because the slave owners hated him for sefting the slaves free.



2、 跳读Scanning



师(轻声解释):Slave 奴隶(具体的人)

Slavery 奴隶制度(抽象名词)

3、 掠读Skimming

Read the text as quickly as possible to get a general idea of ea uh Paragraph:



Para1关键词:born school

Para2关键词:Yourg man

Para3关键词:War slowes

Para4关键词:enemies died

Para5关键词:(我笑着对学生说:这段用得着提示吗?)学生齐答:No,It is vang simple.我趁热打铁,让学生逐一归纳。

殷云蛟 Para1:Lincoln death

易 通 Para2:Lincoln was a young man

(归纳完整,简明么?师问,并继续请学生归纳)余 鎏Para2 :Lincoln's youth.

王 平:Para3 :the American civil war.

谭 兵:Para4 :Lincoln's death

全班齐:Para5 :one of the greatest of all American Presidents.

4、 细读intensive reading


Read the text carefully. First. Extract the time. and then wmplete it.

周 孟:(举手、在黑板书写:)

⑴In 1809_______ ⑵As a child _____

⑶In 1818_______ ⑷As a young man _____

⑸In 1860_______ ⑹In 1864 _____

⑺In 1865_______

陈 姝(填写);其余同学在书上作符号

1809:Limoln was bom.

1818: His mother died

1860:Lincoln became President of the USA.

1864:Lincoln became President again

1865:Lin loln was shot.


张 帆:When she saw that Abrahom liked reading, she did all she could to help him.


师:问得好,我正想分析此句:"she could"is an Attributive clause to modify the pronoun "all"Arcer the modal verb"could",the verb"do" is omitted. So the complete sentence should be……,she did all (that) she could (do) to h elp him.fire fou clew?



莫 勇(举手提问):As a child he used to work hard and help his father on the small farm where they lived.("这句话怎样理解?难道Where是状语从句?")

师:"Where"introducer orn Auribufive claw to modify the noun"farm",Here it means "on the farm" Do you understand?


二、 听说

为及时检查理解程度,细读之后组织学生两人一组(work in pairs),根据课文内容,互相用wh- 特殊疑问形式提问及回答,每人不少于五个问题。


How did Limoln spend his Childhood?

Why did the American Civil War break out?

What happened after the war ended in 1864?

How did he become a lawfer?

Was he good at studying?







