unit2 English around the wrld教学案一体化(新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-1-23 编辑:互联网 手机版

I. General Goals for this Unit

1) words and expressions

all the way, tired, make oneself at home, excuse, on the left, repeat, forget to do sth, majority, native, in total, a second language, of one’s own, the number of, except, develop into, in fifty years, widely, communicate, so many, have a knowledge of, come about, quick, independent, at the same time, end up with, more or less

2) expressions for communicative uses

Asking for permission and responses

Daily expressions

a. May I …?

Can you …?

I wonder if I could …?

Would / Do you mind if I …?

b. Yes / Sure / Certainly.

Yes, please.

Of course.

Go ahead, please.

That’s OK / all right.

Not at all.

c. I’m sorry you can’t.

I’m sorry, but …

You’d better not.

3) Grammar

Direct speech and indirect speech (II)

II. Some of the vocabulary words

1) landlady, landlord

2) pronounce (v.), pronunciation (n.)

3) broad, Broadway (百老汇)

4) repeat, repetition (n.)

5) majority, major (adj. 主要的)

6) equal, equality (n.)

7) government, govern (v.)

8) tourism, tour

9) service, serve (v.)

10) signal, sign

11) movement, move

12) commander, command (v.)

13) independent, independence (n.)

14) fall, waterfall (n.)

15) expression, express (v.)

III. Language Studies

Warming up

1) What is it that Joe can’t find in the bathroom? Joe在盥洗室找不到的是什么东西?

What is it that …? 来自于强调句。强调句的框架:It is + 被强调部分 + that …。


母句:I saw a friend in the street yesterday.

→It was I that (或who) saw a friend in the street yesterday. (强调主语)

→It was ___ __________ that __ _____ in the street yesterday. (强调宾语)

→It was __ ____ _________ that __ ______ a friend yesterday. (强调状语)

→It was ___________ that __ ________ a friend in the street. (强调状语)


Was it yesterday that you saw a friend in the street?

_______ _____ ____ (到底在哪) that you saw a friend yesterday?

What is it that Joe can’t find in the bathroom?

2) for the first time 首次,第一次(状语结构)

I visited the Great Wall for the first time that summer.

区别:the first time


I ______ ___________ (还记得) the first time that I saw the Great Wall.

It is the first time that I have been late.


The first time I saw it, I knew it was mine.

3) have a good flight 飞行愉快 have a good time (泛指)过得愉快

4) all the way 全程;一直地

They ____ _____ _____ _________ (一路跑着到) here.

5) You must be very tired. 你一定很疲劳。


He must be watching TV now, ______________? (对吗)

You must be hungry, ________________? (是吗)

对过去的推测,用must have + 过去分词:

You must have finished the work, _______________?

They must have been told about the news, _____________________?

6) at all 一般用在否定句,帮助加强否定的语气,如:

I do not _____ the _______ ____ ____________ (根本不了解这座城市).


Did you know the city at all? 你到底了解这座城市吗?

7) make oneself at home 无拘束;随便一点,就象在自己家里一样;感到舒适

Help _________ ___ (别客气,吃) some more food; just make yourself at home.

I can’t ______ ________ ___ _________ in such a place. 在这样的地方我觉得不自在。

8) upstairs 是一个副词,注意其位置:

go upstairs (副词状语); a room upstairs (副词后置定语)


1) pronounce a word 发一个单词的音

The word is ________ ____ this way. ( 这样发音)

Your _______________ is different from mine.

2) hurry up 快点!

3) on one’s way back 在回来的路上 on one’s way home 在回家的路上 on one’s way to a place 在去某地的路上;

in this / that way;

in the way / in one’s way 妨碍,挡了路:Move a bit; you are in the / my way.

By the way;

In a way 在某种程度上:This match was well played in a way.


1) native language; mother tongue 母语

native n. & adj.

A native ________ _____ our guide. 一个当地人做了我们的导游。

native speakers of English 英语是母语的人们

He has a ________ deal of native __________. 他有极大的与生俱来的能力。

2) situation

The situation in China at that time was very _____________. (处境很困难)

The house has a fine _____________. 这所房子的地点很好。


1) English is a language spoken all around the world. 英语是一门全世界都讲的语言。



Do you know ___ ________ __________ a newspaper there? ( 那个正在读报纸的人)

I want to buy a ________ _________. ( 会唱歌的鸟儿)

This is a bridge __________ by the farmers. (造)

_________ ________ ( 英语口语) is in greater need than ________ _________. (笔头英语)


2) There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English.

majority n. “大多数,大半”,要和the 连用:

___ _____________ _____ (大多数的) students here like English.

☆The majority is / are for the plan.

3) native speakers of English 母语是英语的人

4) in total 总计;总共 (相当于 altogether; in all)

These apples _______ 56 ________ ____ ___________. (总共花费…美元)

The _____ __________ of students in our school _____ 1,200. (学生总数是)

5) of one’s own (…) 某人自己的..

I don’t want to ______ (分享) a room with others; I want a room ____ _______ _________. (自己的)

6) an equal number of people learn English as a second language

a number of 大量、许多,等于many, a lot of,加可数名词,number 前可受large, great, small 等修饰,谓语动词是复数:

__ _________ _______ ____ people went to the Great Wall on National Day. (大量的)

the number of “…的数目”,谓语动词是单数:

The _________ ___ students here ___ 1,200. (这里的学生数目)

An equal number of 同等数量的:

We have 200 English books and __ ________ _________ ___ Chinese books. (同等数量的)

7) In only fifty years, English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.

注意这里又出现了分词后置定语most widely spoken and used in the world。

develop into 发展、发育成…;发达成…

The place has developed _______ a small __________ __________ a modern city. (从一个小村,成)

8) the working language 工作语言 international organizations 国际性组织 international trade and tourism 国际贸易和旅游

9) Businessmen and tourists often come to China without being able to speak Chinese.

Without + 动名词是一个常见的状语性结构:

He came into the room ________ ______ ________ (没向我们打招呼) to us.

He came __________ _______ ________ (不请自来).

10) Chinese businessmen, … talk with them using English. 华商们用英语和他们交谈。


He went there _________ and ___________. ( 唱着跳着)

He stood under the tree, _________. (看书)

_________ _____ the room, he saw a lot of classmates. (走进)

While riding the bicycle, Li Ping fell and broke his leg.

Once finished, the bridge will be the longest in Asia.

11) global culture 全球文化 global village 地球村

12) communicate with 和…交流 communicate … to 把…传递给

__ ______ ___ ________ (将很容易) to communicate with foreigners if you have a good knowledge of English.

Please communicate the message to them at once.

13) With so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.

①With + n. + 分词或不定式往往作状语,表示伴随情况:

With so many people ____________ (谈话) outside, I didn’t hear the radio.


The man with his hands __________ (招手) is our English teacher.


With the work _________ (完成), they went home.


With so much homework to do, I have to go home at once.


②have a good knowledge of English 有扎实的英语知识/功底

knowledge 本来是不可数名词,如:

Knowledge is power (知识就是力量);但当指某一门具体学科等的知识时,可以作可数名词,如:

___ good ____________ of English is a must in _____________ __________. (一个扎实的英语功底是国际贸易中的必备条件。)


Language study

1) exchange 交换

They ____________ _________ and then said ________ ___ ______ __________. (他们相互交换了电子信箱,就互道再见。)

2) stay up 熬夜,不睡觉;挺立不倒

He is tired because he _______ ___ ______ ________ (熬夜太晚) last night.

The building stayed up after the earthquake(地震).

Integrating skills

1) know about the difference between 了解…之间的差异

注意区别:know about 了解关于…的情况(片面、直观);know知道,认识(全面、深刻):

I knows ________ English, but I do not ________ English. (我了解一点英语的情况但是我不懂英语。)

difference between A and B A 和B之间的差异、不同点

I can’t _______ the ____________ between these two books. (区别,不同点)

Between 通常指两者之间,还可以指每两者之间;

The city is ________ a ___________ and a canal. 该城市位于铁路和运河之间。

There are soldiers between trees. 在每两棵树之间都站着士兵。

Among 指众多事物之间:He came from a village among the hills.

2) come about “发生;造成”,注意该词组同happen一样,没有被动:

How _________ (was 还是did?) the accident come about?

3) stay the same “保持不变”,stay 可以作连系动词,加形容词the same作表语。又如:

The temperature _______ ______ ( 一直热) this week.

The store ________ _______ (一直开着) till 12 at night.

4) end up with “以…结束”

His speech started with a joke and ended up with a joke.

He is sure to end up with a big failure.

5) A + be different from B A不同于B

My _________ (主意) is _________ ________________ (相当不同于) from yours.

6) more or less 几乎,差不多;大致,大约;或多或少

The plan is _____ ___ ______ the same ___ that one. (大致一样)

I have ______ __ _______ _________ _________ the book. (差不多读完了)

He ______ _______ or less a whole day to repair the car. ( 花费)

7) have … difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth 在做某事方面有…困难

The old man had a lot of difficulty (in) finding his home.

_____ (一些)

_____ (没有)

_____ (很大)

There be … difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth

以上结构里的(in) doing sth可以换成with something.

9) over the centuries “几个世纪以来;横亘几个世纪的时间”,over 可以表示时间或地域的跨度:

He ________ ________ (驱车来) to see me.

He stayed in the country _______ ____ _________ (整个周末).

10) bring in 拿近来;引来;引进;吸收;赚得;有收入

___________________________ (把衣服收进来); it is raining.

The police brought in two thieves.

We will have to bring more workers in to help us harvest rice.

_____________________________ (美国乡村音乐) brings in 200 million dollars a year.

11) compare A with B 把A和 B进行比较

If you ________ this pen ______ that one, you can see the _________. (如果你把这支笔和那支笔进行一下比较,你就会发现差异。)

compare A to B 把A比作B

We often compare girls to flowers. → Girls are ______ ________ ______ ________.

12) give a description of 对…作一个描述

Please give ____ a _______ ___________ of the accident. (给我们一个清晰的描述)

13) replace A with B 用B来替代A

The workers _________ the old machine with a ______ ________. (用一台新的来代替旧机器)