初三上学期英语教案Lesson 9(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-7-21 编辑:互联网 手机版


  Language Focus:

  1. some useful expressions:

  waste water; Greener China; Good idea; be afraid; a member of; a book on the environment

  2. some useful sentences:

  How long have you been a member of Greener China?

  I’ve been with Greener China for a year.

  How many English words have you learned since you came here?

  About one thousand.

  3. The difficult points:



  Teaching Objectives

  1. Try to understand the whole lesson and read it fluently. The pronunciation and intonation should be right.

  2. Master the following materials as four skills.

  Words: pour, waste, dirty, member, join, environment

  Phrases: be afraid of sth.

  Sentences: How long have you been a member of Greener China?

   I’ve been with Greener China for a year.

   3. Master the use of the present perfect tense

  Properties: Pictures; TV; Overhead Projector; Recorder

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Organization of the class

  We are going to talk about the environment of the class

  Showing aims

  Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

  1. To master some useful expressions.

  2. To learn the grammar: the Present Perfect Tense.

  3. To make the similar dialogues freely.

  4. To know that they should protect the environment and make our world more beautiful.

  II . Revision

  Revise the grammar; the Present Perfect Tense.

  Ask: Have you ever been to the Great Wall? How many times have you been there? Get the students to ask and answer in pairs. Then ask several pairs to act out their dialogues.

  III. Presentation

   Present this dialogue:

  A: Where have you been?

  B: I’ve been to a paper factory.

  A: What did you do there?

  B: I saw the worker making paper there.

   Present this dialogue with one student as an example, then ask the students to practise this dialogue in pairs, and get some of them to act out the dialogue.

  IV. Practice

  1. Talk about the environment with the students.

  2. What do you think of our environment?

   Put up a picture of a paper factory on the blackboard, get the students to talk about the factory, for example; " This is a paper factory, it makes paper, but it also makes smoke and waste water. I found the smoke was put into the air and the waste water was put into the river near it. The river has become very dirty. Lots of fish have died.” Have the students talk in groups of four and then ask some of them to read out their report to share with the whole class.

  V. Read and say


   A. Unit 3 Make our world more beautiful

  Lesson 9

  The rivers are not clean now, why?

  B. Part 1

  Listen and do wb. Ex.1

  C. Read and learn

  Pour: pour some sugar into the glass

  The rain is pouring down.

  Waste: waste water, a waste of time

  Write a story about it to …

  Be afraid of …

   D. Part 2

  How long has Victor been in Greener China?

  What has he done?

  Read Dialogue 1 and answer

  Teach: be a member of…

  join: join the league= be a member of the league

  join in the game, join in the activity

  Ask and answer in pairs by using the words in the box

  Conclude the use the present perfect tense

  瞬间动词不能和表示过去某一时刻延续到现在的一段时间的词组连用 要进行转变,如:

  open--- be opened; close--- be closed; begin--- be on; finish--- be over; join---be a member of be in…; die---be dead; get up---be up; come to…----be in…; arrive atin…---be in…; reachget to…---be in…; leave---be away; sleep---be asleep; buy--- have; borrow---keep; catch a cold---have a cold

  eg: I opened the door two hours ago.

  The door has been open for two hours.

  The meeting began an hour ago.

  The meeting has been on for an hour.

  VI. Write

   Get the students to act as journalists, make an interview. Interview one of their friends. Ask him or her some questions about him or her and his or her family members.

  For example: How long have you been in this school?

  What subject have you studied?

  How many friends have you made?

  What’s your fathers job?

  How long has he been a … ?

  What has he done since … ?

  Then get the students write a report, have some students read their reports to share with the whole class.

  VII. Workbook

  VIII. Homework

  Talk something about the environment.
