高三Units 21-22重点知识归纳及讲解(人教版高三英语下册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-12-3 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. My aunt, Mrs Flower, died three weeks ago. Her husband had built up a large business during his lifetime.我姑妈弗劳尔太太三周前去世了。她的丈夫在世时创立了一个大企业。

该句中build up意思是“逐步建立”,强调“逐步”。例如:

The university has built up a net work of its own institutes.这所大学已建立起自己的研究网络。

The company has built up a large fund for ages.


2. …he left all his money to his wife.


leave sth. to sb.把--留给---(尤指死后留下--给----)。

He left his house to his brother.他把房子留给他兄弟。

也可以写成He left his brother his house.

leave sth. to (with) sb. 托付--(某人),委托----

Leave this to me.把这事交给我(办)吧。

You should leave the matter to the lawyer.


3. When my aunt was buried, Clare turned up at the service, …在我姑母下葬时,克莱尔突然出现在葬礼上,------

该句中,turned up意思是“到来,出现,找到”,尤指出乎意料之外地到来或找到。例如:

He promised to come, but so far he has not turned up.


I expect it will turn up one of these days.


4. I want you check out this Clare Flower and see that she has the right to get my aunt’s money…我想要你调查一下这位克莱尔 弗劳尔,看看她有没有权力得到我姑妈的钱财。

该句中check out是“检查,核查。”例如:

We have checked out all these figures and found them to be correct.我们核对了所有数字,发现它们都是正确的。

Ask them to check the information out for me.


5. “He married my aunt in 1968, so Clare would have been five years old.”他是1968年同我姑妈结婚的,因此,克莱尔想必(那时)已是五岁了。


The lady you referred to would be Mrs Black.


I thought our mother would have waited for us long there. 我想母亲想必是在那等了我们好长时间。

6. Can you go through them and give me whatever you find?


go through 的意思是“检查,搜查。”例如

The customs men went through his suitcases.


The policemen went through every room of the building.警察搜查了那座建筑物的每一个房间。

7. It only remains for me to pass all the money that she had to the right person.我还要做的事只是把她所有的钱交给合法的继承人。

it only remains for sb. to do sth.意思是“某人所要做的是”,句中it为形式主语,for sb. to do sth.为不定式复合结构做真实主语。例如:

It only remains for him to say that he agrees to the plan.他所要做的只是说一说他同意这一计划。

8. Mrs Flower directed that all the money that belonged to her should come to you.


该句中direct的宾语从句用了should +原形动词结构,其中should可以省去。例如:

The general directed that the prisoners (should) be set free.将军命令把所有的办犯全都释放。

The teacher directed all the students (should) gather in the playground.老师命令所有的学生到操场集合。

9. “I’m allowed to change the colour of my hair,” she said angrily.“我可以改变我的头发的颜色,”她愤怒地说。

be allowed to do“可以做---;得到允许做-----”。不要按汉语译为“被允许做-----”。例如:

Are we allowed to play catch here?


They are allowed to watch TV every evening.


10. Don’t tell me that all this is because of photograph taken when I was twelve.


该句主句为Don’t tell me that…其后接了一个宾语从句。从句的主语为all this,其表语是because of photograph taken when I was twelve,而在这个表语中包括了由过去分词taken做定语,在分词短语又包括了一个由when引导的状语从句。

11. The lawyer was brief and to the point.


to the point意思是“中肯的,切题的,扼要的”,其反意词组为off the point“离题的,题外话”。例如:

In spite of all his talk he never seems to come to the point.尽管他说了许多话,却似乎永远说不到点上。

He always speaks to the point. 他讲话总是很中肯的。

12. She instructed in her will that if that were to happen, all the money should go to an organization for helping the blind called “Helping Hand.”她在遗嘱中指示说,如果发生这种情况的话,这笔钱就该全部归于一个叫做“援助之手”的盲人救济组织。

该句是个主从复合句,其主句为She instructed in her will,其后接一个that引导的宾语从句。这里that不可以省,而在宾语从句中又包括了一个由if引导的条件从句。在宾语从句中又有一个过去分词called短语作定语。

注意在句中宾语从句含有一个由if引导的虚拟语气的结构。从句中用了were to do结构表示对将来情况的推测或假设。例如:

If the sun were to rise in the west, I would follow you.


If it were to rain tomorrow, we would put the sports-meet off.如果明天万一下雨,我们就把运动会延期。

13. turn短语

(1)turn about向后转;转过身来;使----向后转

All of a sudden he turned about and saw me.


(2)turn back折回,往回走

It looks like rain, we’d better turn back.


It is clear that the wheel of history cannot be turned back.很明显历史的年轮不能倒转。

(3)turn down拒绝(某人,请求,提议);调低,关小

He wanted to join the army but was turned down because he was under age.他要求参军但因年龄不够而没被同意。

Please turn the radio down. It’s too loud.


(4)turn in交进,上缴,归还

After the football match, the players turned in their uniforms.这场足球比赛之后,队员们把运动衣归还。

(5)turn into进入;变成

We turned into a narrow lane.


He has turned into a brave fighter.


The ancient city has now turned into a modern industrial base. 现在这座古老的城市已变成一个现代化的工业基地。

(6)turn off关掉(自来水、煤气、收音机);解雇;失去兴趣

Be sure to turn off the gas before you leave.


The boss thought him a trouble-maker and turned him off.老板认为他是个闹晤者,于是把


This music really turns me off.


(7)turn on旋开(自来水、煤气、收音机等)

Shall I turn on the bath for you?


(8)turn out生产,制造,培养出;证明是,结果是,原来是

The university has turned out some first-rate scholar.这所大学培养出一些一流的学者。

Unexpectedly the weather turned out pretty nice that day.出乎意料之外,那天天气特别好。

(9)turn over翻动,滚动;使翻倒;翻阅,翻查;移交

They helped to turn over the huge stone.


The car turned over when the driver was making a sharp turn.司机一个急转弯,汽车翻倒了。

Mr Smith was idly turning over a magazine, the bell rang.


I turned over my work to him before I left the office.


(10)turn to着手工作;求助于;变成;转向

We all turned to and soon had the room tidy.


Don’t hesitate to turn to us if you are in difficulty.


The ice turned to water.冰化成了水。

Now let us turn to the problem.现在我们着手处理这个问题。

(11)turn up发现,找到;意外地出现;出现

He turned up a jar of ancient coins.


I’m sure your lost watch will turn up eventually.


Her name is often turning up in the newspapers.


14. They discovered that the farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.



The more we looked at the picture, the less we liked it.


The busier his is, the happier he feels.




The more, the better.越多越好。

The sooner, the better.越快越好。

15. So another astonishing fact came to light.


come to light是个动词短语,作“发现”“暴露”解。例如:

New facts about ancient China have recently come to light.有关古代中国的史实最近已有新发现。

16. It soon became clear that the straight part of the dance changed when the sun’s position changed.很快就清楚了,舞蹈的直线部分是随着太阳的位置改变而改变。

该句属于It be/become+adj. /n. +that clause,句中it为形式主语,代替that引导的整个从句。


It is clear that…很清楚----

It is obvious that…很明显------

It is necessary that…很有必要---

It is a pity that…很可惜----

17. To his astonishment, the bees began to perform a dance on the surface of the honey comb.


to one’s +n是个常用的短语结构。

to one’s joy使-----高兴的是----

to one’s surprise使----吃惊的是----

to one’s disappointment使----失望的是------

to one’s sorrow使----悲痛的是----

18. But then another question came up.但是接着又提出了一个问题。

come up作“提出,发生”讲。

His name came up whenever the matter of nuclear energy was discussed.每当讨论核能问题时,他的名字就是被提到。

The question of wage increases came up at the meeting.


注意:come up为不及物动词短语,译成汉语时往往加“被------”。一定要注意,汉语是被动概念,而英语是不及物概念。

19. He set out to discover whether the wadding dance showed direction.他便着手了摆尾舞是不是能够表明方向。

该句中set out to do sth.是“着手,动手”做某事。例如:

She set herself out to finish the work within this week.


They set out to design a big steel bridge across the river.他着手设计一座跨河大钢桥。


set out+n.意思是“陈述,解释。”

He said that he was going to set out his plan at the next meeting.他说他将在下次会议上说


set out for意思是“动身出发去-----”。

They will set out for Shanghai tomorrow.


20. the number of 和a number of

the number of表示“-----数目”,当它作主语时谓语要用单数形式,of之后要接可数名词复数形式。

The number of cattle is growing.牛的数目还在增长。

The number of the League members in our class has increased to 41.我们班团员的数目已增加到41人。

a number of表示“若干-----许多”。它做主语时,谓语要用复数形式,其后接可数名词复数形式。

A number of young teachers have joined the Party.


注意:Bus No. 3, Room No. 205, Middle School No. 12.等

短语不加the,而the No 3 Bus 中的the不能省。



Back at the hive they watched the wagging dace closely.他们回到蜂箱旁,仔细观察摆尾舞。

back at the hive=when they were back at the hive


Whenever in difficulty, you can come to me for help=Whenever you are in difficulty, …


Do not leave the room till told to do so.

=Do not leave the room till you are told to do so.


22. come up的含义

come up除本单元做“提出,发生”解外,还有:


He camp up and introduced himself to all the guests.他走上前来并向所有客人做自我介绍

Christmas is coming up soon.圣诞节快要到


Don’t wait down there; come straight up.



The seeds never came up at all.种子根本没发芽。


He was an officer who came up from the ranks.



The child doesn’t seem to be able to keep anything down, Everything he eats comes up again.


23.one after another与one by one

one after another,意思是“一个接一个”强调数量之多;one by one意思是“一个个地”强调顺序,例如

We’ve gained one victory after another.


After class, the students left the classroom quietly one by one.



Step by step students gain knowledge.学生们按部就班地获得知识。(强调一步一步地,由浅入深地)

He saved up some money little by little.


He did the experiment time after time.
