Lesson Plan for Lesson 22 (JEC Book II)

发布时间:2017-11-14 编辑:互联网 手机版

●Teaching Aims

To master the dialogues of asking for and giving directions.

●Teaching Aids

Tape recorder , map and multi-media projector

●Teaching Focus

Asking for directions: Is there a bank near here?

Where’s the nearest hospital, please?

Giving directions: Go along this road.

Take the first turning on the right.

It’s about a hundred meters along on the left.

It’s about 6 kilometers away.

Expressing needs: He needs some help.

You take a number 16 bus.

Which number do I take?

You’d better (not) ask sb. for sth.

●Teaching procedures

I. Organizing the class

Greetings and duty report

II. Revision

Revise the ways of asking for and giving directions in a simple way.

III. Leading-in

The teacher asks several students the directions to some places near school, using different ways of asking for directions. Ask somebody to give directions.

Excuse me. Where’s the People’s Hospital?

Could you tell me the way to Beijing zoo, please?

Is there a Macdonald’s near here?

IV. Practice

1. Show ways of asking for and giving directions on a flashcard.

Asking for directions:

1) How do I get to …, please?

2) Where is … , please?

3) Where’s the nearest…, please?

4) Is there a …, near here?

5) Could you tell me the way to …, please?

6) Give me directions to … , please.

7) Please tell me how to get to …, please.

8) Could you tell me how I can get to …, please?

Giving directions:

1) Go/walk along/down this road.

2) Take the first turning on the right.

3) Turn right at the second crossing.

4) It’s outside/next to /in front of…

5) It’s about a hundred meters along on the left.

6) It’s about six kilometers away.

2. Group work: Work in groups to ask for and give directions.

3. Act out.

V. Listen and read

1. Listen and read through the dialogues.

2. Get students to practise the dialogues in the book.

3. Use a map to ask students to practise asking for and giving directions.

VI. Exercises in class

1. A: Excuse me. Which is the _____ to East Park, please?

B: Let me see. Er, walk _____ this road and _____ right. Go _____ until you _____ end. You’ll find the park in front of you.

2. A: Excuse me. Can you give me _____ to the post office, please?

B: Sure. Go _____ this street and ______ right. Then you’ll see a tall building. That’s the _____, and it’s between the zoo ____ the fruit shop. You can’t ____ it.

A: Is it _____ from here?

B: No, it’s quite near. It’s only _____ you about 10 minutes if you walk there.

A: Thanks a lot.

B: You’re welcome.

VII. Assignment

Make a dialogue asking for and giving directions.

Blackboard Design

Lesson 22

know the way take the …, turning

need some help a hundred metres along …away

ask… for help