unit 10 学案(人教版高二英语上册学案设计)

发布时间:2016-9-19 编辑:互联网 手机版

Part1. Preview work

I. To get the main idea of each part

Part1 (1)

Part2 (2-6)


II. Understanding the text

1 From the text , we can learn that Tacitus

A was a history writer

B worked for the local police

C was a close friend of Plony

D did research into volcanoes and earthquskes

2 What’s the passage mainly about?

A The death of Pliny the elder

B The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD

C The possible causes of volcanoes erupting.

D The ways of escaping from a volcano eruption

3 “The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand(para2) The underlined parts refer to

A Mount Vesuvius , the uncle of the writer

B a mountain in the distance, Pliny the elder

C a cloud of unusual size and shape , qualities of a scientist like curiosity

D dark spots of dirt and ash; qualities of a scientist like curiosity

4 The writer didn’t think his uncle was afraid on the trip to Vesuvius because

A he had to rescue his friend’s wife Rectina

B he hurried to a place from which others were fleeing

C he had a good knowledge of how to survive a volcano eruption

D he was calm enough to write a report about what he observed

5 Pompy didn’t get away because

A he had to wait for a good wind

B there was no way out except by boat

C he was too scared to take any action

D he wanted to join Pliny in observing the eruption

6 led to the immediate death of the writer’s uncle

A The wrong decision he made

B His interest t study the volcano

C That he didn’t take the eruption seriously

D That he wanted to rescue Pomp after rescuing Rectina

7 What does the writer mean the last sentence of the letter?

A It is no easy task to be a history writer

B He reminds Tacitus of his uncle’s bravery

C He’s sorry that he can’t tell Tacitus more about the eruption

D He leaves it for Tacitus to decide which parts are important for his history book

III. Translate the following phrases and sentences.

1 吓死 2陷入恐慌

3 一场令人难忘的灾难

4 吸引我舅舅的注意

5 在附近 6被……惊吓

7坐落在山脚 8企求某人去做某事

9合适的风向 10与其……不如……


12近在咫尺 13出什么事了?


15.You can pick out the important bits , for it is one thing to write a letter , another to write history, one thing to write to a friend , another to write for the public.

Part2. Language points

1 The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand.

He lives close at hand.

I always keep a dictionary ready at hand.

Your big moment is at hand..


by hand from hand to hand

hand in hand over

in hand hand down

hand out give sb a hand

hand in hand shake hands with

on one hand…on the other hand

2 Upon arrival , my uncle hugged Pompy and tried to give him courage.


On his arrival at the station , he was arrested by the police

On asking for the information, I was told I must wait.

On the news of his accident , I was sad.

此句中的upon同on,与带有动词性意义的名词或动名词连用,表示“一……就……”,“在……之时/ 后”例如 :

1 我一到家,就发现家中被盗了

2 我一通过驾照考试,我爸爸就给我买了一辆小汽车

除upon/on表达之外,还可以用as soon as the moment immediately后跟从句,或用No sooner …than, hardly …when, scarcely…when

如:Please call me as soon as you get London

The moment he sat down, the doorbell rang.

His daughter ran to him immediately he got off the train.

No sooner dad he arrived than he was asked to leave again.



3 Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black falling onto the ship now, darker and more, the closer they went..


More haste, less speed.

The more he talked, the more excited he became.

其构成:The+形容词和副词的比较级,The+形容词和副词的比较级。 后可接句子,也可接名词。在上下文清楚的情况下,还可省略。例如:




4 Helped by two slaves, he stood up and immediately fell down dead.

1) Full of fear, he returned home

2) Large or small, all countries are equal.

3) He stood there, dumbfounded.



5 He looked more asleep than dead.



The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar.

She is more lovely than pretty.



1 与其说他受了伤,不如说他受了惊.

2 与其说这岩石像牛,不如说他像马。

more than 其他意义:

Bamboo is used more than as a building material.

The terrible heat was more than the old man could bear.

They were more than happy to serve us..






2. 我一下车天就下雨了。

3 我越看她越觉得她可爱



Grammar – Ellipsis

I. Knowledge about Ellipses

1. 简单句中的省略

1) 省略主语 祈使句中主语通常省略;其它省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。

(___) Thank you for your help.

(___) See you tomorrow.

(___) Doesn’t matter.

(___) Beg your pardon.2) 省略主谓或主谓语的一部分 (___) No smoking .

(___) Anything wrong ?

Why (______) not say hello to him ?

3) 省略作宾语的不定式短语,只保留to,但如该宾语是动词be或完成时态,则须在之后加上be或have:

–Are you going there? --Yes, I’d like to (______).

He didn’t give me the chance, though he had promised to (_________).

–Are you an engineer? --No, but I want to be.

–He hasn’t finished the task yet. --Well, he ought to have.

4) 省略表语

–Are you thirsty? --Yes, I am (______). His brother isn’t lazy, nor is his sister (______).

5) 同时省略几个成分

A: Have you finished your work ? B: ---(______) Not (______) yet.

2. 主从复合句中的省略

1) 主句中有一些乘法被省略

(______ ) Sorry to hear you are ill. (______ ) Pity that he missed such a good chance.

2) 主句中有提到的内容被省略

–Is he coming back tonight? --I think so.

–She must be busy now? --If so, she can’t go with us.

–Is she feeling better today? --I’m afraid not.

–Do you think he will attend the meeting? --I guess not.

# How so? Why so? Is that so? I hope so. He said so. I suppose/believe/hope not.

3. 并列句中的省略: 两个并列句中,后一个分句常省略与前一分句中相同的部分。

My father is a doctor and my mother (___) a nurse.

When summer comes, the day is getting longer and longer, and the night (______) shorter and shorter.

4. 其他省略

1) 连词的that省略: 宾语从句中常省略连词that,但也有不能省略的情况。

在定语从句中,that在从句中作宾语时可省略.凡是进行时态和被动语态的定语从句都可省略关系代词和be 动词。

2) 在某些状语从句中,从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可省去“主语+be”部分

When (______) still a boy of 10, he had to work day and night.

She tried her best though (______) rather poor in health.

If (______) asked you may come in. If (______) necessary I’ll explain to you again.

3) 不定式符号to的省略

并列的不定式可省去后面的 to. I told him to sit down and wait for a moment.

help 当“帮助”讲时,后面的宾语或宾补的不定式符号to可带可不带.

I will help (____) do it for you. -

介词but前若有动词do,后面的不定式不带 to. The boy did nothing but play.

某些使役动词(let, make, have)及感官动词(see, watch, hear, notice, observe, feel, look at, listen to等)后面作宾补的不定式一定要省去 to, 在被动语态中须将to 复原。

I saw the boy fall from the tree. - The boy was seen to fall from the tree.

The boss made us work 12 hours a day. - We were made to work 12 hours a day.

主语从句中有动词do,后面作表语的不定式的 to可带可不带。

All we can do now is (____) wait.

find 当“发现”讲时,后面作宾补的不定式符号to可带可不带。

但如果是不定式 to be,则不能省略。

We found him (____) work very hard at the experiment.

She found him (________) dishonest.

4) 连词if在部分虚拟条件句中可省略,但后面的语序有变化。

If they had time, they would certainly come and help us.


If I you, I would do the work better


Should there be a flood, what should we do?

Rewrite: __________________________________________________--

5) 主句和从句各有一些成分省略。

The sooner (you do it), the better (it will be).

II. Practice

1. _______ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.(2003北京)

A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given

2-Susan, go on. Your sister is cleaning the yard.(NMET20030)

--Why _____? John is sitting there doing nothing

A. him B. he C. I D. me

3. Generally speaking,_____ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.(2003 上海)

A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken

4. Unless_____ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.(2003上海春)

A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited

5. ---The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they ?(2003北京春)


A. I guess not so B. I don’t guess C. I don’t guess D. I guess not

6. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ____ whether he was going in the right direction.(2003春)

A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see

7. When______, the museum will be open to the public next year.(2002上海春)

A. completed B.completing C. being completed D. to be completed

8. The director gave me a better offer than _____(1999 上海)

A. that of Dick’s B. Dick’s C. he gave Dick D. those of Dick

9. –Does your brother intend to study German?(1998上海)

-- Yes, he intends _______.

A. / B. to C. so D. that

10. –Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday? ( MET1997)

--- I ________, but I had an unexpected visitor.

A. had B. would C. was going to D. did

Answers 1-5 DDBCD 6---10 DACBC