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  余华活着英文读后感 1

  "Alive" is an old man named Fugui one day of his life miserable narration. In the past forty years, he experienced many sufferings in the world, faced with a four generation of persons death, he was supposed to die, but he is alive, or even just to live and live. As the author Yu Hua himself said.

  To live is to live, and to live, not to live for anything. Your death, people are very confused, but he was alive, with the value of their own existence, have their own meaning of life, have their own immortality.

  The author only uses common narrative methods, but has a special rendering effect. The more I read, the heavier I feel. The heaviness is not the result of the plot itself. But the writer uses the most common and even cold tone to describe unusual things. And the feeling that it was so heavy it just slipped into my heart. Therefore some people describe Yu Hua said he was a skilled surgeon in a leisurely manner the cruel nature of life from the false tao Ren stripped out.

  At first, he attracted me is your experience, namely the plot of the novel. Then the authors writing style and features. Until I saw the last, I read a book, then looked back at the authors introduction and other peoples comments. Ive got a new feeling.

  Back to the essence, Ive been thinking about whats the purpose of living. Just for writing a novel?. All kinds of people have different kinds of people. Some people say hes just trying to impress people on this book. Because reading is a psychological experience of fear. In fact, this implies another fact of Chinese Literature: realism, which uses realism as its slogan, is the last to dare to face reality. For example, essentially, human beings are alive without any meaning other than being alive. Then, if we must give meaning, then the only thing that counts, I am afraid that only the living itself. The great sense of living may have just come from here.

  Precisely because of this, "living" on a clear content, living in general understanding is a process, but, in fact, life is essentially a static state.

  Yu Hua wanted to tell the reader, "there is no happiness or misfortune in life. Life is just a matter of living, living quietly, and having a solitary sense.".

  余华活着英文读后感 2

  The worst part of dying is not the one who leaves, but the one who is forced to accept it. Not only do they have more responsibility on their shoulders, but they also have fewer people to share with them.

  Fukki is such a sad living, his life is actually the epitome of hundreds of millions of people, all the suffering Chinese experienced nearly a hundred years in him clearly projected, he has a legendary life, but you wont have that legend.

  Fukki was a two generation, daily spend their savings at home, I do not know where the good fortune for a virtuous wife, is the daughter of mihang Chihepiaodu fukki, can still, not only lost property, but also the death of father, wife together with the belly of the child is also home to pick up only. The rest of his old mother, the young daughter of Feng Xia dependency, the fukki realized for the first time the hardships of life, fortunately, now after the birth of the second child with his son fukki Qing has returned to him. However, Felicity never turns out in pairs., Disasters pile up on one another. Fukki by the Kuomintang arrested young men on the way for a sick mother, was captured by the PLA, he returned home to find his mother has died, his wife Jean with a pair of children bear bitter hardships, but unfortunately the deaf daughter, son is clever and lively, later because the county long Lady unexpectedly died of blood transfusion.

  After the cultural revolution, the great leap forward, representing the experience of natural disasters, Feng Xia and her husband died, a son of Feng Xia birth of the bitter root has not escaped the fate of the claws, finally only fukki a person, and a head of cattle and his namesake company, which is quite alone with a pregnant meaning, bleak. The sunset, already chuimu old man drove cattle further away, hoarse voice in the land at the end of the slowly rising juvenile to wander, middle-aged to dig hidden, old monk."

  Close this heavy blue book, the tears have wet eyes, let me not only filled with a thousand regrets variety of tragic hero experience, but because he has experienced so much, but still humble to live, he shall have been far beyond the scope of ordinary people can imagine.

  The worst part of dying is not the one who leaves, but the one who is forced to accept it. Not only do they have more responsibility on their shoulders, but they also have fewer people to share with them. But it is because of this that the living have to live more firmly, that is because they are carrying more than their own tomorrow.

  I enjoy living, living so good, living so happy. I have read "life" written by Yu Huas writer, telling the protagonist Xu Fuguis life, experiencing changes in Chinese history, social unrest, three years of natural disasters, the cultural revolution and so on. And your old age to life calm and natural attitude. Tell us that we live to live, not live to live for anything.

  When you are out of trouble, you feel alive, happy, alive, then you will feel frustrated, not terrible.

  When you help others, you feel the good life and the happy life, then you will feel how happy it is to help others.

  When you are successful, you feel what is good and happy in life, and then you will feel how proud you are to succeed.

  Hocking is an unfortunate and fortunate man, his love life, love life, so that when he was young he suffering from an incurable disease, break through all the difficulties, to become a great physicist, is the worlds praise. What made him so successful? He was optimistic about life and experience life.

  When a little tender tooth comes out of its branches, when a newborn child makes a loud cry. When the patient has recovered. When the fish play happily in the water, when the birds are in the branches, the hair sounds melodious. It feels good to live, happy to live. It all depends on the beauty of life, and the good life is always with us.

  Guo Moruo once said: "life and death is a thing on the line.". Life is struggle, death is rest. Life is active, death is sleep." Let us live happily, live happily.

  余华活着英文读后感 3

  The so-called life is simply "crying with a smile and living with death." These short words are a true portrayal of Fu Guis life.

  When Fu Gui was young, he was extravagant and squandered all his familys assets, transforming from a wealthy young master who indulged in debauchery to a destitute and destitute. My father passed away and on the way to buy medicine for my mother, he was arrested and became a strong soldier. After being rescued by the Peoples Liberation Army, he finally returned to his hometown. But fate did not stop punishing Fugui. He lost his mother, son, wife, daughter, son-in-law, and even his poor grandson. At the end of the story, there is an old man, an old cow, calling out his name one by one. Yes, as the book says, "People live for the sake of living themselves, not for anything outside of life." Fugui is still alive, and he has not given up hope for life or longing for death. This thin book, however, tells the story of the joys and sorrows of human life.

  We have never experienced the sorrow of wealth and honor. We live in mundane trivialities, wavering in the long river of time, seeking the brilliance and energy of life. We all know that this is called "To Live".

  余华活着英文读后感 4

  "To Live" is one of the representative works of writer Yu Hua. This book tells the story of a persons life, which is a life story of an elderly person who has experienced the vicissitudes and hardships of the world. It is a drama that portrays the hardships of life. The protagonist Fugui is a spendthrift born into a landlord family, addicted to gambling, and ultimately lost all of his familys wealth. After being captured and going through twists and turns, he eventually returned to his hometown. After returning to his hometown, he found out that his mother had passed away, and his wife Jiazhen worked hard to raise a pair of children, but unfortunately became mute.

  The true tragedy began to unfold gradually. Jiazhen is unable to do heavy work due to suffering from osteomalacia; Due to having the same blood type as the county mayor, he died by drawing too much blood to save the county mayor; Fengxia and the captain introduced the citys second son, the biased head, to a happy and happy marriage. After giving birth to a baby boy, he died on the operating table due to heavy bleeding; Three months after Feng Xias death, Jia Zhen also passed away one after another; Erxi is a porter who was caught between two rows of cement boards due to a crane accident; My grandson Kugen returned to the countryside with Fugui, only to be crushed by half a pound of beans... The rare warmth in life was torn apart by the deaths of family members time and time again, leaving only Fugui, who had grown old, with an old cow reminiscing in the sunshine.

  余华活着英文读后感 5

  "To Live" describes ones tragic life in the way an old man tells a story, without fancy language or excessive embellishments. The more it is like this, the more it can make me burst into tears while reading, and the more it can shock my soul. After reading it, I feel heavy and sad, constantly shrouded in the shadow of death created intentionally or unintentionally. However, the protagonist of the story, Fu Gui, did not take the lead in a series of major blows and was unable to recover. Despite this fate, Fugui is still able to live strong and optimistic. What kind of realm is this. Although Fugui lived in poverty and his loved ones left him one by one, he still treated the world with kindness, never complaining or giving up hope. The word "alive" is full of power. Its power is not in shouting or attacking, but in enduring, enduring the responsibilities that life gives us, enduring the happiness and suffering, boredom and mediocrity that reality gives us.

  Life is dull, and this kind of blandness requires us to face all the successes and failures of life with a calm heart. In life, you may encounter hardships and difficulties, but no matter what goes against you, when you think about Fuguis strength and magnanimity, you will feel that it is actually nothing. Many people are confused in life, perhaps because they complicate their lives. In fact, living is the simplest way of life, it has no fame, fortune, or hustle and bustle. And we should cherish the present happiness even more, as it is said: people live for the sake of living themselves, not for anything outside of living.

  余华活着英文读后感 6

  A young master who grew up in prosperity and a romantic figure who didnt take others seriously - Fu Gui. He was deceived by gambling, and his father was also angry to death. However, he was fortunate enough to survive in the end. His wife Jiazhen has been with him all along, slowly influencing him with love and her own beliefs. Finally, Fu Gui was affected, but it was too late and hurt his family.

  When I read about Jiazhens death, it was the quietest and most authentic part of all the separations between life and death that I had seen. Jiazhen didnt complain, but was so kind and calm. When I saw her pure heart, she seemed to be purifying some "ugly" things. Fuguis daughter and son passed away one after another, and even his son-in-law died tragically under the steel plate. Kugen also starved to death due to the poverty in his family. Seeing the successive deaths of Fuguis relatives, my emotions were also moved, leaving tears behind. But Fugui is also a pitiful God who is so unfair to him, causing his loved ones to die and only leading himself to the end of his life. Perhaps this is his "plain life"!

  The departure of relatives has made Fugui no longer a new kind of pain. It was he who gradually understood that a relative lived in his heart, and in order to live well, the old cow he bought also gave him self comfort.

  I greatly appreciate the spirit of Fugui. His firm belief carries a sentence left by his ancestors, allowing himself to live on. We must all live the same way. Life is just a process. I just hope to choose a way according to my own wishes, truly clear headed, and realize its value from the bottom of my heart, so that I can walk longer and farther.

  余华活着英文读后感 7

  During the gap between reviewing homework, I watched "To Live". I have heard of Yu Huas book for a long time, but I havent had time. I watched Zhang Yimous movie first. After reading the original work, I couldnt help but praise that this book is naturally a great script, and I think the screenwriter doesnt need to make any changes. The description of the story is full of cinematography, which is my favorite storytelling mode. The authors writing is not glamorous, but it is full of power in its simplicity, a power that can move you from the bottom of your heart. I dont want to say anything about the soul. Perhaps reading too many books is not easy to be moved, but it is indeed a good book that deserves my recommendation. I hope everyone can have their own insights after reading it

  Here is a passage from the book for everyone to enjoy:

  The old man and the cow gradually drifted away. I heard the old mans rough and touching voice coming from a distance. His songs sway like the wind in the open night. The old man sang:

  Teenagers wander, middle-aged people want to dig up treasures, and elderly people become monks.

  Cooking smoke curled up from the roof of the farmhouse and dissipated in the sunny air.

  Women shouted one after another at the sound of children, while a man walked past me with a bucket of feces, his pole creaking. Slowly, the fields became quiet, and the surroundings became blurry. The sunlight gradually faded away.

  I know that dusk is fleeting, and night falls from the sky. I see the vast land revealing a solid chest, which is a calling attitude, just like women calling their children, the land calling for the arrival of night.

  余华活着英文读后感 8

  Now I am still immersed in this emotion, "To Live" plays a symphony of tragic fate. I think of Garcia Marquezs "One Hundred Years of Solitude" which tells the tragic fate of several generations of the Bourndia family. "To Live" also tells the fate of several generations of this family, with Fu Gui as the protagonist. The difference is that one is produced in South America and the other in China, but both have brought me the right things.

  A calm contemplation of lifes sorrow and fate.

  I yearn for works like "Ordinary World", "Muslim Funeral", and "How Steel Was Tempered" in my heart. Such works can take people to the depths of their hearts and bring you a calm and contemplative state of mind. My life needs peace, my soul needs contemplation.

  At this moment, I am grateful to Yu Hua for writing such a work, which perfectly satisfies my inner desire. My contemplation has created a unique silent language between me and books, and this silent communication has given my soul a sense of security.

  Life is tempered by time, and fate has not drawn any boundaries for anyone.

  Life is tempered by time, and fate does not draw any boundaries for anyone, nor does it set any hardships for anyone. The art of life is no matter which street you go through or who you meet, dont forget a bit of forgiveness and a bit of indifference.

  余华活着英文读后感 9

  "To Live" is the authors narration of the life of an elderly man named Fugui who he met by chance. Fu Gui was born into a landlords family and has been pampered since childhood. He is highly favored by his parents, which has created his arrogant and domineering personality, laying the groundwork for his future tragic life. After reaching adulthood, his extravagant and wealthy lifestyle became deeply involved in gambling, losing all his possessions. His father also died from excessive sadness and anger. In the latter half of his life, the impoverished Fugui experienced the deaths of his mother, wife, children, and other close relatives one after another, until he was alone and helpless. But life always has to go on. He bought an old cow, and each person and cow worked so hard to live, persevering to live

  The narrative of "To Live" is plain, but it further highlights the difficult and tenacious life of Fu Gui. After reading the book "To Live," perhaps some people will cherish the value of life even more, while others will gain some thoughts. In my opinion, the entire book "To Live" portrays a heavy atmosphere, guiding a different understanding of "to live" through the depiction of various details of Fu Guis life. People are always constantly pursuing their goals and meanings in life, so there are many who are lost. The authors idea is actually an interpretation of "living". He guides us to understand the process of existence, rather than dwelling on the meaning of existence. As he wrote in the preface, "People live for the sake of living themselves, not for anything outside of life." Through the process of living, feeling the process of life, whether it is reasonable or not, living itself should be a simple and simple thing.

  余华活着英文读后感 10

  In my free time, I still enjoy reading books. The books I read are very diverse, except for textbooks, I read all the classics and novels, and I dont deliberately confine myself to a single form. And usually its just skimming. When I read "To Live", the most I think of is the movie starring Ge You, about Xu Fuguis tumultuous life.

  "To Live" tells the story of an old man named Xu Fuguis life. The author Yu Hua calmly narrates the real life of an old man who has gone through the vicissitudes and hardships of the world with a plain narrative technique. After reading it, I couldnt help but feel desolate, sad, and sad. It seems that he has experienced all the hardships of time. I cant help but ask myself: What is the meaning of living?

  After reading Yu Huas "To Live," 200 word readers always cannot accept impermanence from the bottom of their hearts. When witnessing the prosperity of others, ridicule them lightly and claim to see through the world; When I was in my prime, I was obsessed with the eternal nature of life and human affairs. We always perceive the impermanence of others and contemplate our own disillusionment. Fugui, it was you who made my complex heart unable to stir up chaotic ripples, it was you who made me no longer complain about the unfairness of the world and the injustice of my destiny, and it was you who made me learn to live simply for myself.

  Fugui, I cant help but imagine the way you passed away in front of a dilapidated house. Your inner depths will surely be occupied by the once domineering, and the absurdity of the past will suddenly fade away. What permeates your heart is the indelible and withered suffering of Watson, which is the most precious and true memory of your life. Crystal tears, including the experiences of a lifetime, slipped out of my eyes and were immediately submerged by the impermanence of the world. With a smile on your face, you close your eyes and leave me to mourn.

  余华活着英文读后感 11

  Life is like a three-dimensional geometric shape, it is multifaceted, but we have a pair of eyes that look straight. Excellent literary works will use language and words to bring your thinking into its multidimensional world, like a basket. So reading a book is about understanding another person. Yu Huas "To Live" seems to tell the story of a failed "wealthy second generation". The protagonist "Fugui" does not only see the father of the land, that is his life.

  Mothers indulgence is just a shield from fathers punishment. The living "Fu Gui" is just a body, or he has never lived. Time is so wonderful. The changes in history have left "Fugui" with nothing. However, tragedy crushed him and buried him in the real soil, taking root and sprouting. This is a blessing with branches and leaves, truly living. This may be the original intention of Yu Huas creation.

  Facing seemingly simple and profound topics like "living", this is a work that teaches us how to think. Do we want to live in the eyes of others or in our own hearts? "To live" can be explained as "to survive" and "to live". Of course, "Fugui" may not have thought so much. He just feels like hes living like himself. However, even now, how many people can "live like themselves"? Or how many people have thought of "living like themselves"!

  How to "live" in the face of wealth, poverty, and sudden disasters! Perhaps only through experience can one understand. Writing is not only a form of recording, but also a way to improve ones understanding of the world. Dont live in the opinions of others, learn to think deeply.

  余华活着英文读后感 12

  This book describes the ordinary yet tortuous life of an ordinary person from the perspective of a bystander. The protagonist Fugui lived in a chaotic and special era, experiencing war, slaughter, and turbulent life. He originally lived a very happy life, but later the people around him left one after another, cruelly forcing him to face all of this. I lost a lot of things in my life, including family and money, and in the end, the only one left by my side was the almost slaughtered old cow.

  The most heartbreaking part of the story is Fu Guis son, who died due to excessive blood drawing. Such a naive child, who meets a quack doctor to save the county mayors wife, unexpectedly encounters such a result. The most painful thing in life is nothing more than this, and many unacceptable realities always arise unconsciously.

  This book does not tell us how to live, but rather tells us the attitude we should have when living. Take the words of the protagonist in the book as: live, live well. We cannot change the arbitrary abandonment of life. Faced with various different experiences, we can only silently endure and feel powerless. Since we cannot change the fact of living, we can change our attitude towards life. As long as we live, there will be hope. Whether good or bad, at least at the end of our lives, we can tell ourselves that we have lived and worked hard, always persevering and not giving up, not complaining, and facing this with confidence.

  余华活着英文读后感 13

  Yu Hua - an author who appears plain and unadorned, but writes the most simple yet heart wrenching stories

  A life of wealth and tragedy is heartbreaking. An optimistic person, facing the constant departure of their loved ones, can only be impressed by reality despite being unable to do so. Fortunately, he has not been defeated or defeated as a result, and still stands on his own one acre and three cents of land, relying on the old yellow ox bought with all his savings to survive. In the afterglow of the dusk, the author sees an old man with a face full of vicissitudes but a spirit full of vitality.

  In his every frown and smile, there is such tremendous energy that inspires people on the path of life, realizing the various helplessness brought about by the cruelty of fate. However, under the instigation of the ancient concept of man conquering nature, future generations have always been unable to keep up with the pace of the times. As the saying goes, having enough food to eat and indulging in lust, the carefree wealth and status that have always been abundant in clothing and food can only follow the natural development laws of things. In addition, there is no need to worry about the foundation of ancestors and endless extravagance. Living in a state of extravagance and extravagance, the wealth and status in the midst of extravagance and extravagance are slowly heading towards despair, and the family business is on the brink of decline! As a result, gradually stepping off the prosperous historical stage and being washed away in the tide of the new era, one will never be able to turn over.

  This kind of life makes him feel at ease and carefree, just like what the book says: people live for themselves, not for things outside of themselves! I cannot understand this statement. The factors of the social environment give me the mission to strive for material and financial success. But I understand that perhaps I will only be able to appreciate its meaning when I reach the age of 40- the highest philosophy of life!











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