

时间:2022-06-23 07:03:36




  Unit 1 Where is ur pen pal fr?

  (Sectin A)

  Ⅰ. Teaching Ais and Deands

  1. nwledge Obects

  Naes f se cuntries and cities. Where is ur pen pal fr?

  Where des he/she live? What language d the spea? This is

  new pen pal?

  What language des she spea? She speas English.

  2. Abilit Obects

  Listening sill. Writing sill. Practice sill. Cunicative cpetence.

  3. Mral sill

  Be prud f being a China. Mae pen friends. nw abut re infratin abut se cuntries.

  Ⅱ.Teaching e Pint

  The new wrds f this sectin. The language naes

  Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties

  Where is ur pen pal fr? She is fr apan. Where des he/she live? What language

  des she spea? She speas English.

  Ⅳ.Teaching Methds

  Listening and taling ethds. Pairwr. Practice. Discvering and checing ethds.

  Ⅴ.Teaching Aids

  a tape recrder. a wrld ap. Cputer.

  Ⅵ.Teaching Prcedures


  Greet the class as usual.

  StepⅡ 1a

  1. First shw the pictures f se cuntries n the screen. Learn the naes f

  these cuntries.

  2. Nw pen ur bs. Listen t the recrding. Please repeat the naes f the

  cuntries.(pla the recrding twice)

  Step Ⅲ 1b

  Listen and circle the cuntries in 1a u hear.

  Pla the recrding the first tie. Students nl listen. Then a secnd tie. This

  tie as students t circle the cuntr naes the hear.

  Then chec the answers.

  StepⅣ 1c

  Read the cnversatins in the picture.

  As students t wr in pairs, as and answer questins abut where the are fr?

  as se pairs t present their cnversatins t the class.

  StepⅤ. 2a

  Pint t the chart and as the students t write the nae f a cuntr in the blan

  after each cit.

  StepⅥ. 2b, 2c, 2d

  1. 2b Listen and circle the cities and cuntries u hear n the recrding.

  2. 2c Listen again and cplete the chart.

  3. 2d Nw use the infratin in the chart in 2c and ae re cnversatins.

  StepⅦ Graar Fcus

  Review the graar bx. As students t sa the questins and answers.

  Step Ⅷ 3a, 3b,4

  1. Finish the chart f 3a , then chse a cuntr and ae a cnversatin.

  2. Quiz Nae the place! pla this gae.

  StepⅨ Suar

  Suar the infratin in sectin A.

  StepⅩ Hewr

  Have re practice after class.

  Blacbard design

  Unit 1 Where is ur pen pal fr?

  Where is ur pen pal fr?

  He’s fr Canada.

  Where des he live?

  He lives in England.

  What language des she spea?

  She speas English.


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